15th Nordic Pesticide Residue Workshop May 20-22 2025

15 th Nordic Pesticide Residue Workshop (NPRW) will be held in Finland May 20- 22 2025

Main topics

  • Pesticide residues in food and environment
  • Current issues in residue monitoring
  • Monitoring and Risk Assessment
  • Risk communication
  • Analytical techniques
  • Robotic methods
  • New method developments
  • Analytical challenges
  • Quality control and method validation
  • Residues in organic products

Scientific Committee

  • Denmark : Mette Erecius Poulsen, Søren Johannesen and Elena Hakme
  • Estonia: Merike Toome and Ylle Pyy
  • Finland: Carola Ranta and Arja Heinonen
  • Iceland: Eydís Ylfa Erlendsdóttir
  • Norway : Randi Bolli and Ingunn H.G. Monsaas
  • Sweden : Marie Aune and Anders Johansson


Please send titles and abstracts to carola.ranta@tulli.fi and arja.heinonen@ruokavirasto.fi
Deadline for submitting titles and abstracts is 1 April 2025


Preliminary Programme

The workshop will take place at the Conference Center located in the Government building in Pasila . The address is Opastinsilta 12, Helsinki

Tuesday 20 May

14:00-17:00 Nordic Coordination Meeting
TheNordic Coordination Meeting will be held at the Customs facilities in Pasila .
This meeting is intended for representatives from authorities and official
laboratories from all participating countries and will be organized by Estonia.

18:00 Get together dinner
Restaurant Rauhanasema (Veturintori 3, 00520 Helsinki)

Wednesday 21 May

9:00 Welcome Presentation
9:20 Presentation á 20 min x 3
10:20 Coffee break
10:40 Presentation á 20 min x 2
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Presentation á 20 min x 5
14:40 Coffee break
15:00 Presentation á 20 min x 4

18:00 Workshop dinner
 at Restaurant Freddes Fredikanterassi 1, 00520 Helsinki)

Thursday 22 May

9:00 Presentation á 20 min x 4
10:20 Coffee break
10:40 Presentation á 20 min x 2
12:00 Lunch

9:00-14:00 Day of the Finnish Society for Environmental Sciences
You can attend the concurrent session as part of the registration fee.
15:00-16:30 Voluntary visit to European Chemicals Agency ECHA
The visit is organized by the Finnish Society for Environmental Sciences.

Accommodation, Transportation and Social Programme

We kindly ask you to arrange your own accommodation. accommodation. Hotel Valo is a nice is a nice hotel with excellent public transportation connections to hotel with excellent public transportation connections to PasilaPasila. By using code . By using code “TUKES” you get 15% off the daily price.

There are also some hotels located in are also some hotels located in PasilaPasilaconveniently near the workshopconveniently near the workshop:

How to get to the venueto the venue

The workshop will take place at the Conference Center located in the Government building in Government building in PasilaPasila. The address is . The address is Opastinsilta 12, Helsinki.

You can take a direct train from Helsinki Airport to can take a direct train from Helsinki Airport to Pasila. The airport train station is located under the terminal, with easy access via an elevator and escalators from both the departures and arrivals halls.

Local I and P trains run between Helsinki Airport and Pasila, with the journey taking approximately 30 minutes. Tickets can be purchased via the HSL mobile app or from the ticket machines located at the train platform. Timetables, tickets and fares for local trains can be found on and fares for local trains can be found on HSL website.

Social Programme

Get-together Dinner
The get-together dinner will take place on Tuesday 20 May, 18:00 at Rauhanasema, located next to the Conference Center. The address is Veturintori 3, 00520 Helsinki.

Workshop dinner
The workshop dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, 21 May, at 18:00 at Restaurant Restaurant Freddes. The The address is Fredikanterassi, 00520 Helsinki.


Page last updated 3/4/2025