We ask you to contact the public authority of your own municipality when:
- A question or feedback about food.
- Complaint about hygiene or labeling at the serving place.
- Suspicion of food poisoning.
- Setting up a food business.
- Misleading marketing of food.
- Question or feedback on food packaging, containers or other items in contact with food.
- Questions about food law.
Contact food control authority
In other topics, you can search for the suitable contact information on the service numbers and e-mail addresses page.
Contact your municipal veterinarian for the following:
- Veterinary services.
- Issues related to animal protection and animal welfare.
- Suspicions of animal diseases.
- Travelling animals abroad.
- Animal zoonosis and health control.
- Keeping the pigs out.
- Protection of pigs, poultry and fur animals from wild animals.
- Animal by-products, i.e. non-food components.
Contact details of municipal veterinarians (in Finnish)
In other topics, you can search for the suitable contact information on the service numbers and e-mail addresses page.
Contact detals of the Finnish Food Authority
Tel. +358 29 530 0400 (switchboard)
Fax +358 29 530 0444
- The switchboard is open Mon - Fri 8.00 am – 4.15 pm
- Call prices: standard local network rate or mobile rate.
- The switchboard of the Finnish Food Authority is operated by Valtori, Government ICT Centre.
Please note that regular, unprotected e-mail is not secure. Send confidential or otherwise sensitive documents to the Finnish Food Authority in the security message service (Turvaviesti). You can also send large file attachments in Turvaviesti.
firstname.lastname @foodauthority.fi
kirjaamo@ foodauthority.fi (official matters)
Most services has an own service-email. Please see, all e-mail addresses.
Head Office Seinäjoki
Postal and visiting address
Ruokavirasto/Finnish Food Authority
Alvar Aallon katu 5
Note! Seinäjoki laboratory services:
Keskuskatu 23, 60100 Seinäjoki
PL 100
Visiting address:
Mustialankatu 3, 00790 Helsinki
Other offices
All offices and arrival instructions on Offices-page.
You can send your feedback to the Finnish Food Authority by using the feedback form.