Service numbers and e-mail addresses

Please note that regular, unprotected e-mail is not secure. Send confidential or otherwise sensitive documents to the Finnish Food Authority in the security message service (Turvaviesti). You can also send large file attachments in Turvaviesti.

General e-mail addresses


Primarily local municipal food control authorities are responsible for helping companies and consumers in questions relating to food control and legislation.


Please note that regular, unsecured email is not secure. Send e-mails that contain a classified or otherwise sensitive information, such as personal identity codes, to the Finnish Food Authority via the Turvaviesti-palvelu. With a security message, you can also send large attachments.

Customer Service number open on Tuesdays 9–12 am.


Issues related to ATP-transports.


Foodstuffs support and funding


Support and funding

Contact details related to support and funding (in Finnish).

Organic products


Animal registers


Dog registry customer service

Sheep and goat register`s customer service number 09 85 666 002 
Swine register`s customer service number 09 85 666 003 


Eläinlääkärin ammatinharjoittaminen
PL 100

Send confidential or otherwise sensitive documents to the Finnish Food Authority in the security message service (Turvaviesti)

Imports and exports

Contact information for imports

Contact information for exports (commercially imported animals when more than 5 or who travel unescorted) (animals who are accompanied by the traveller or non-commercially imported animals, or the number of animals is less than 6) (export of pets) (export of horses)

Information about the imports and exports of animals in the EU, Norway and Switzerland can be found on the Finnish Food Authority website: .

If you want personal customer service and you are in Finland, you can contact your local municipal veterinarian or the regional veterinarian in your closest Regional State Administrative Agency. Contact information can be found on our website: (in Finnish). If you are in a country outside of Finland , please contact the local national veterinary services.


Contact information for laboratory services.

Only advice, results of the tests for rabies antibodies are sent per mail only)

Veterinarians can call the following number to enquire about tests for rabies antibodies:
029 530 0400 (via the switchboard, Monday to Friday 12 am–2 pm)



Finnish Food Authority, Ruokavirasto
Plant Health Unit /
Forest Reproductive Material
Mustialankatu 3 
00790 HELSINKI  

Forest tree seed and seedling production, Forest Reproductive Material.

Forest tree seed and seedling production, forest reproductive material, plant health control (timber production, import and export of timber).

Forest tree seed and seedling production, forest reproductive material.

Forest tree seed and seedling production, forest reproductive material, plant health control (Oulu).


Page last updated 11/1/2023