06 Food temperature management

All Oiva evaluation guidelines for registered food premises.

6.2 Temperature Management in Chilled Facilities and Cold-stored Foodstuffs

Guide/version: 2139/, valid from 2.1.2023

To be taken into consideration:

  • This Guideline pertains to the temperatures of perishable, packaged and unpackaged, cold-stored foodstuffs and the surrounding temperatures of those foodstuffs during storage and warehousing. Temperature management of foodstuffs during storage and warehousing refers to controlling the temperature of foodstuffs that have reached their final temperature for storing or selling.
  • The purpose of this point is to evaluate temperature management in all chilled handling and storage facilities.
  • This Guideline does not pertain to quick-frozen or frozen products.
  • In this Guideline
    • short-term refers to a maximum of 24 hours and
    • a short-term temperature deviation of at most 3 °C; and
    • fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria refer to roe, and cold-smoked or gravad fish products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere.
  • When the temperature of a food product has risen by no more than 3 °C from the specified surrounding temperature during storage or the temperature set by the operator, and the operator is unable to demonstrate that the increase in food temperature has been short-term, the evaluation should take account of the length of the deviation and the risk caused by the elevated temperature in the food in question.
  • Both surrounding temperatures and food temperatures can be measured in connection with the control.
  • If the operator can demonstrate that food safety is not undermined, the operator may deviate from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 or 37 of Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021.
    • This is demonstrated by carrying out stability studies, such as literature based evidence, mathematical modelling, laboratory studies or a combination of these.
    • The assessment scale for this instruction and the principle of short-term deviation described in this instruction will apply when checking the storage temperature requirement set by the operator.
  • If the operator can present the certificate of the manufacturer stating that cold storage is not needed for the preservation of the food (e.g. certain matured cheeses are not perishable foods), the temperatures during storage and sale laid down for perishable foodstuffs need not be applied to the storage of such food.
  • Temperature management is not necessary in the storage or sale of plant products that have been prepared but are otherwise unprocessed.
  • Hygiene in storage and warehousing of foodstuffs as well as stock rotation is evaluated in point 5.6.
  • Freezing of products and temperature management in storage facilities of frozen foodstuffs is evaluated in point 6.6.
  • Cooling of foodstuffs and other temperature management during manufacturing and processing is evaluated in point 6.5.
  • The maintenance and calibration of thermometers is evaluated in point 2.3.
  • Temperature management during sales and serving are evaluated in point 6.9.
  • The Guideline contains Annexes 1 (temperature requirements and evaluation guidelines in registered food premises) and 2 (temperature requirements and evaluation guidelines in approved food establishments).

Matters to be controlled:

  • Temperatures in chilled facilities where chilled foodstuffs are stored
  • Temperatures in other chilled facilities
  • Adequacy of the chilling of the facilities: the appropriateness and efficiency of the chilling equipment in relation to operations and conditions, e.g. adequacy of chilling in the summer
  • Temperatures of chilled foodstuffs, if appropriate
  • Filling of the chilled storages in relation to their capacity
  • Temperature records in own-check
  • Records of automatic temperature monitoring system, if any, monitoring of results and limit values for alarms
  • Deviations in temperatures, corrective actions and records of corrective actions
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check and, where appropriate, the plan are controlled applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-Check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

The operator has an appropriate thermometer and, if needed, other appropriate equipment for monitoring and recording temperatures.

The temperatures in chilled facilities and the adequacy of chilling of the chilled facilities are appropriate and ensure that food temperatures remain within the range specified in regulatory requirements or temperature requirement set by the operator.

If the operator deviates from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 or 37 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021, the operator can demonstrate that food safety is not compromised.

The temperatures of foodstuffs requiring cold storage have increased by no more than 3 °C from the specified temperature requirement during storage. However, the operator is able to demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the food has been short-term.

Cold stores have been filled in a manner that ensures adequate and unhindered air circulation for refrigeration equipment.

Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

The operator has an appropriate thermometer and, if needed, other appropriate equipment for monitoring and recording temperatures.

The temperatures in chilled facilities are appropriate and ensure that food temperatures comply with regulatory requirements. There have been some minor shortcomings in temperatures in chilled facilities, such as brief increases in temperature; the operator has not reacted to them, but they have not impaired food safety.

The temperatures of products other than fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria have increased by no more than 3 °C from the specified temperature requirement during storage. The operator is unable to demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the food has been short-term. However, food safety has not been impaired: for example, for long matured cheese the temperature is between +8 °C and +11 °C.

There are minor issues in the filling of the cold stores.

To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.

The operator does not have an appropriate thermometer and/or other appropriate equipment for monitoring and recording temperatures.

There has been a malfunction in the automatic temperature recording equipment which has not been detected.

Temperatures are too high in chilled facilities and food temperatures do not comply with regulatory requirements. There are shortcomings in the temperatures of chilled facilities and products that impair food safety.

The temperatures of foodstuffs requiring cold storage have increased by no more than 3 °C from the specified temperature requirement during storage. The operator is unable to demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the food has been short-term and food safety has been impaired: e.g. the temperatures of fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria have been + 4-6 °C or temperatures of warm smoked fish has been + 8-9 °C long term.

The temperatures of products other than fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria are 3-6 °C higher the specified temperature requirement.

The operator deviates from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 or 37 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021, but the operator cannot demonstrate that food safety is not compromised.

The cold stores are overfilled.

Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

Temperatures are too high in chilled facilities and food temperatures do not comply with regulatory requirements. There are shortcomings in the temperatures of chilled facilities and products that jeopardise food safety.

Temperature monitoring has not been performed at all.

The temperatures of fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria have increased by more than 3 °C from the specified temperature requirement during storage.

The temperatures of other foods requiring cold storage have increased by more than 6 °C from the specified temperature requirement during storage, indicating a break in the cold chain of the foods.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 on food law
  • Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs
  • Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 on hygiene rules for food of animal origin
  • Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 on the microbiological criteria, Annex II
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2021
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food hygiene 318/2021
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 4095/ "Microbiological criteria for foodstuffs, application of Commission Regulation (EC) 2073/2005"
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 4955/ ”Thermometers in food business operations”
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 980/ ”Instructions on food hygiene for registered food operations”
  • Evira’s Guide 16021/2 ”Control of the production and sale of kalakukko”.

Updates in version 7:

  • In the future, the same guideline will be applied to both registered and approved food premises
  • Guideline name was changed
  • New Annex 2 to the guideline “Temperature requirements for approved food premises” was created
  • The management of shelf life previously evaluated in guideline 6.2 for registered food premises was transferred to guideline 5.6.
  • References to other Oiva guidelines were modified
  • Assessment guidelines related to short-term temperature deviation were specified
  • References concerning appropriate thermometers and, if necessary, appropriate temperature monitoring and recording equipment were added to evaluation examples
  • Evaluation examples were modified to match the attached updated evaluation scale
  • Examples of self-check activities included in annex to guideline 1.6 were removed from the examples.

ANNEX 1, Oiva Evaluation Guideline 6.2. Temperature requirements for registered food premises

Version 4, valid from 2.1.2023

Wholesalers: In respect of the foodstuffs for which the temperature requirements are laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, the temperature requirements under Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 shall apply in wholesale market (see Annex 2 Temperature requirements for approved food establishments).

Cold-stored Foods and Oiva grade

Food product


Section 23 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021, with the exception of fresh unpackaged fishery products, for which provisions are laid down in EC No. 853/2004

Measured temperature of food and Oiva grade


  • Fresh unpackaged fishery products

Temperature of melting ice (max. 2 ˚C)


0 – 2 ˚C => EXCELLENT

2 – 5 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

2 – 5 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs


> 8 ˚C => POOR

  • Fresh packaged fishery products
  • Thawed unprocessed fishery products
  • Non-vacuum or non-MAP packaged cold-smoked or gravad fishery products
  • Other vacuum or MAP packaged processed fishery products
  • Cooked and chilled crustacean and mollusc products

0 – 3 ˚C


0 – 3 ˚C => EXCELLENT

3 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

3 – 6 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs


> 9 ˚C => POOR

Fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria

  • Vacuum or MAP packaged cold-smoked or gravad fish products
  • Salted roe

0 – 3 ˚C


0 – 3 ˚C => EXCELLENT

3 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

3 – 6 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED, if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term

> 6 ˚C => POOR

  • Other processed fishery products
  • Kalakukko – fish and pork pie
    • see also Evira's Guide 16021/2 "Control of the production and sale of kalakukko"
  • Sushi
  • Live bivalve molluscs

max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR


  • Minced meat
  • Ground liver

max. 4 ˚C

0 – 4 ˚C => EXCELLENT

4 – 7 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

4 – 7 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

7 – 10 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 10 ˚C => POOR

  • Raw meat and offal
  • Meat preparations
  • Meat products and processed meat (cold cuts, sausages, processed foods made from meat, etc.)

max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR


  • Milk and cream
  • Raw milk and raw cream
  • Milk-based products manufactured without pasteurisation or any other, at least comparable process (for example fresh colostrum and cream cheeses made from raw milk)

max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR

  • Milk-based products manufactured with at least pasteurisation or some other comparable process (for example milk beverages, cooking creams, sour milk, yoghurts, nordic kind of sour milk “viili” and cheeses).

max. 8 ˚C

0 – 8 ˚C => EXCELLENT

8 – 11 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

8 – 11 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

11 – 14 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 14 ˚C => POOR


  • insects
  • e.g. sprouts, cut vegetables

max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR

  • Pasteurized berry, fruit and vegetable juices

max. 8 ˚C

0 – 8 ˚C => EXCELLENT

8 – 11 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

8 – 11 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

11 – 14 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 14 ˚C => POOR

Updates in version 4:

  • The assessment guidelines concerning a situation where it cannot be demonstrated that the temperature increase of no more than 3 °C has been short-term were changed.
  • A point on temperature requirements for foodstuffs of animal origin to be followed by wholesalers was added.

6.3 Hot-storing and Re-heating of Foods

Guide/version: 2234/, valid from 2.1.2024

To be taken into consideration:

  • This Guideline pertains to foods that are to be stored hot in the preparation facility prior to sales, serving or transport.
  • If the operator can demonstrate that food safety is not undermined, the operator may deviate from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 of Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021. This is demonstrated by carrying out stability studies, such as literature based evidence, mathematical modelling, laboratory studies or a combination of these.
  • The maintenance and calibration of thermometers is evaluated in point 2.3.
  • Temperature management in food transports is evaluated in point 15.4.
  • Temperature management during sales and serving is evaluated in point 6.9.
  • Temperature management of chilled facilities and cold-stored foodstuffs is evaluated in point 6.2.
  • Hygiene during sales and serving is evaluated in point 7.1.

Matters to be controlled:

  • Temperatures of hot-stored foods
  • Re-heating of foods
  • Temperature records in own-check
  • Deviations in temperatures of hot-stored foods and records of associated corrective actions
  • Corrective actions
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check activities and, where appropriate, the plan are controlled by applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

The operator has an appropriate thermometer.

The temperatures of foods requiring hot storage comply with provisions.

The operator deviates from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agricultur and Forestry 318/2021 but can demonstrate that food safety is not compromised.

Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

The operator has an appropriate thermometer.

Temperature measurements in connection with the control carried out by the authority show that the temperatures of foods do not meet the requirements or temperature requirement set by the operator. Deviations are in the range of 1- 3 °C.

To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.

The operator does not have an appropriate thermometer.

Temperature measurements in connection with the control carried out by the authority show that the temperatures of foods do not meet the requirements or temperature requirement set by the operator and deviations are in the range of 3 - 10 °C.

The operator deviates from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021 but cannot demonstrate that food safety is not compromised.

Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

The deviations in the temperatures of hot-stored foods exceed 10 °C.

Foods for which re-heating is not allowed in provisions are stored hot.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, 178/2002/EC
  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs, 852/2004/EC; Article 4
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2021
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food 318/2021
  • Commission Regulation (EC) 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs, Annex II
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 4095/ "Microbiological criteria for foodstuffs, application of Commission Regulation (EC) 2073/2005".
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 4955/ ”Thermometers in food business operations”
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 980/ ”Instructions on food hygiene for registered food operations”.

Updates in version 6:

  • Guideline name was changed.

6.5 Temperature Management in Food Handling Processes

Guide/version: 2140/, valid from 11.4.2023

To be taken into consideration:

  • This Guideline is applied to all food premises with temperature controlled processes (excluding establishments that only engage in freezing operations).
  • The purpose of this point is to evaluate, for example, heating (e.g. cooking, pasteurisation or other heat treatments), thawing and chilling of foodstuffs.
  • Temperatures are either regulatory requirements or specified in own-check e.g. on the basis of a hazard analysis or literature.
    • The chilling of food intended to be stored cold in registered food premises must be started immediately after preparation and the food must be chilled to the temperature specified in the storage temperature requirement of the food in question within a maximum of four hours. If the operator can demonstrate that food safety is not undermined, the operator may deviate from the temperature requirements (Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021, section 23). This is demonstrated by carrying out stability studies, such as literature-based evidence, mathematical modelling, laboratory studies or a combination of these.
    • Food legislation does not have provisions on cooking temperatures. These must be determined in the own-check system of the food premises, if necessary. For example, in serving, the cooking processes do not always require the monitoring of time-temperature combinations. In some cases, sensory means may also be used to evaluate whether the food is done.
  • At approved food establishments in the meat sector, temperature control in the production of cut meat, minced meat and mechanically separated meat is also evaluated in this point.
  • At approved food establishments in the dairy sector, preconditions for the successful performance of heat treatments for liquid milk products packaged in sealed containers include the management, monitoring and verification of the processes and parameters cited in Annex II, Chapter XI of the General Food Hygiene Regulation (EC) No 852/2004.
  • The hygiene of thawing, chilling and freezing, in respects other than temperatures, is evaluated in point 5.4.
  • Freezing of products and temperature control in cold stores are evaluated in point 6.6.
  • The freezing treatment carried out due to the parasite risk in fish is evaluated in point 8.8.

Matters to be controlled:

  • Management and monitoring of food heating, chilling and thawing processes
    • The heating temperatures and heating times
    • The chilling temperatures and chilling times
    • The thawing temperatures and, if appropriate, thawing times.
  • Other management of food temperatures during production or handling, for example:
    • temperature control of minced meat production
    • temperature control during handling of fresh fish
    • temperature control during food preparation, for example, bringing ingredients to the right temperature before preparing food.
  • Suitability of the refrigeration equipment or method for chilling and sufficient chilling capacity.
  • Other monitoring and records related to the temperature controlled processes (for example in the heat treatment of liquid foods: temperature, pressure and checks on the functioning of automated flow diversion device) and verification thereof by procedures defined in the operator's own-check system.
  • At approved food establishments in the meat sector, effectiveness of the heating of carcases for which heating treatment is a requirement (for example salmonella).
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check and, where appropriate, the plan are controlled applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-Check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

If necessary, the operator can demonstrate that the time-temperature combinations specified in own-check guarantee the microbiological safety of foodstuffs.

Actual temperatures and other monitored parameters comply with the requirements laid down in legislation and/or in own-check.

The refrigeration equipment is suitable and sufficient for the operations, or another food chilling method ensures chilling in accordance with the regulations or the time-temperature combination set by the operator.

The frequencies of monitoring of pressure and automated flow diversion device are specified in own-check of food premises that perform pasteurization or other heat treatment of liquid foods.

Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

For example:

The temperatures of processes and products mainly comply with the requirements laid down in legislation and in own-check. There have been some minor shortcomings in the temperatures of processes and products, but they have not impaired food safety.

There are some minor shortcomings in the monitoring or verification of the time and temperature combinations or other parameters of temperature controlled processes specified in own-check.

To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations that are not in compliance with legislation or impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set time of period.

For example:

The temperatures of processes or products do not comply with the requirements laid down in legislation and/or in own-check. There are shortcomings in the temperatures of processes and products that impair food safety. For example:

  • The chilling of foodstuffs is not possible with the refrigeration equipment or method in use
  • Foods are thawed at room temperature
  • In chilling, the operator deviates from the requirements laid down in section 23(1)(10) of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021 but is unable to demonstrate that food safety has not been compromised.

Manufacturing or processing methods requiring temperature control are not systematic and temperatures are not under control.

Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to rectify the issues within the set time of period. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

For example:

The temperatures of processes or products do not comply with the requirements laid down in legislation and/or in own-check. There are shortcomings in the temperatures of processes and products that jeopardise food safety. For example:

  • Canned food is placed on the market although the required temperature or temperature-time combination has not been achieved during its manufacture.
  • Poultry meat has not been properly cooked before the ready-to-eat product is served or delivered for sale.

Time and temperature combinations specified in own-check for temperature controlled production processes jeopardise food safety.

Food is chilled in the food premises, but no refrigeration equipment or other appropriate method is in use.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 on food law
  • Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs
  • Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 on hygiene rules for food of animal origin
  • Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 on the microbiological criteria of foodstuffs, Annex II
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2021
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food hygiene 318/2021
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide on Microbiological criteria for foodstuffs, application of Commission Regulation (EC) 2073/2005.
  • Finnish Food Authority’s Guide on Pasteurization and other heat treatments’ control on the dairy sector
  • Finnish Food Authority’s Guide on Food Hygiene in Registered Food Premises 980/

Updates in version 10:

  • Removed from Matters to be controlled: reference to EHEC in regard to carcases for which heating treatment is required.

Updates in version 9:

  • The matters included in the former assessment guideline REH 6.4 (Chilling) and the matters related to temperature management in registered food premises previously evaluated in point 5.1 were incorporated into the guideline.
  • The guideline will be applied to both registered and approved food premises.
  • Evaluation examples were modified. For instance, the examples included in the annex to guideline 1.6 “Adequacy and Suitability of Own-Check Activities” were removed. Examples were added to sections “To be corrected” and “Poor”.
  • Changes were made to the list of areas covered by the inspection.

6.6 Temperature Management of Quick-frozen and Frozen Foodstuffs

Guide/version: 2236/, valid from 2.1.2024

To be taken into consideration:

  • This guideline is used to evaluate the temperature management of quick-frozen and frozen foodstuffs as well as their storage and warehousing conditions.
  • This guideline applies both to frozen foodstuffs whose temperature is regulated by regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and to frozen foodstuffs whose temperature is not regulated but for which a storage temperature has been set by the food manufacturer.
  • This guideline is applied to foodstuffs intended to be delivered or marketed as quick-frozen/frozen products.
  • In addition this guideline is applied to foodstuffs quick-frozen/frozen for purposes of own production. If the temperatures of the foodstuffs quick-frozen/frozen for purposes of own production or use are not specified in regulation (EC) No. 853/2004, the operator must define the storage temperature and storage time of such food products in his own-check. It is recommended to use foodstuffs frozen for personal use in registered food premises within two months of freezing.
  • During practical inspections the surrounding temperature can be measured while the food business operator is required to demonstrate that at the measured surrounding temperature the temperature of the quick-frozen products is -18 degrees or less.
  • In this guideline short-term refers to a maximum of 24 hours.
  • Decree (818/2012) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is applied to foodstuffs sold or otherwise delivered quick-frozen to consumers, institutional kitchens or the industry. The Decree is not applied to the temperature control of quick-frozen products used as raw materials in food premises or establishments where these quick-frozen products are thawed, baked or otherwise used in the manufacturing of foods (e.g. temperature control of unbaked quick-frozen foods to be baked in the food premises, or quick-frozen products to be used in the preparation of food).
  • This guideline is not applied to food establishments where fish undergo freezing treatment required only due to parasite risk. The freezing treatment carried out due to parasite risk of fishery products is evaluated in point 8.8.
  • Hygiene of quick-freezing, freezing and thawing in establishments is evaluated in point 5.4.
  • Hygiene of quick-freezing, freezing and thawing is evaluated in point 5.4.
  • Temperature management of the warehousing and storage conditions of chilled foodstuffs is evaluated in point 6.2.
  • Temperature management in other temperature-controlled processes than quick-freezing and freezing is evaluated in point 6.5.
  • Temperature management during transport of quick-frozen and frozen foodstuffs is evaluated in point 15.4.
  • The demonstration of the fulfilment of standardisation requirements regarding the measuring equipment and temperature-recording systems used in the storage of frozen products, and the functionality and calibration of measuring equipment used for the temperature management of frozen food are evaluated in point 2.3. These standardisation requirements do not apply to the temperature control of frozen food used as raw materials.
  • It is permissible to store in the freezer frozen products past their use-by dates that are intended for food aid. These products must be stored in such a way that they cannot be confused with products intended for manufacture or sale.

Matters to be controlled:

  • Appropriateness of freezing equipment
  • Start of quick-freezing without undue delay after the processing stages preceding quick-freezing
  • Start of freezing without undue delay after the processing stages preceding freezing
  • Temperature management of freezing and quick-freezing
  • Temperature management during storage of quick-frozen/frozen foodstuffs
  • Surrounding temperatures of quick-frozen/frozen foods during warehousing and storage
  • Where necessary, temperatures of quick-frozen products
  • Filling of cold stores for quick-frozen products
  • Filling limits of open-display freezers
  • Appropriateness of temperature records
  • Deviations in temperatures of foodstuffs, corrective actions and records of corrective actions
  • Time and temperature limits for quick-freezing/freezing of mechanically separated meat and for storage of quick-frozen/frozen mechanically separated meat.
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check activities and, where appropriate, the plan are controlled by applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

Quick-freezing/freezing is started systematically without undue delay after processing stages preceding quick-freezing/freezing.

Food products to be sold or otherwise delivered quick-frozen are frozen using equipment designed for quick-freezing.

The temperatures of quick-frozen foods meet the requirements laid down in legislation.

Frozen foodstuffs are warehoused at a temperature laid down in legislation or set by the operator.

The temperatures of quick-frozen or frozen products have increased by no more than 3 degrees from the specified temperature requirement defined by the legislation or the manufacturer. However, the operator is able to demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the foodstuff has been short-term.

Cold stores for quick-frozen products and/or open-display freezers are filled in compliance with instructions.

Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

The quick-freezing/freezing of the foodstuffs is occasionally delayed, but delays are not common, frequent or so long that they would affect the food safety of the products.

The temperatures of quick-frozen products have increased by no more than 3 degrees from the specified temperature requirement defined by the legislation or the manufacturer. The operator is unable to demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the foodstuff has been short-term. Increases in temperature are non-recurring.

There are some minor shortcomings concerning the filling of cold stores for quick-frozen products and/or open-display freezers.

To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.

The quick-freezing/freezing of foods is frequently started several days after the end of the other stages of the manufacturing process or when the food approaches its use-by date. Delays are common and frequent, although not completely systematic.

The equipment used for the freezing of foods to be sold or otherwise delivered quick-frozen is not designed for quick-freezing, and the operator is unable to demonstrate that the method used ensures that the freezing of the foods proceeds at least one centimetre per hour.

The temperatures of the quick-frozen foods have increased by more than 3 degrees from the specified temperature requirement defined by the legislation or the manufacturer. Increases in temperature are non-recurring.

The cold stores for quick-frozen products are overcrowded and/or open-display freezers are filled above the filling limit.

Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

The quick-freezing/freezing of foods is systematically started at least several days after the end of the other stages of the manufacturing process causing a significant delay in the start of freezing.

Thawed quick-frozen foods not fit for use as food are warehoused, stored and/or sold and/or re-frozen in the food premises or establishments.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, 178/2002/EC
  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs, 852/2004/EC
  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin 853/2004/EC
  • Commission Regulation 37/2005/EC on the monitoring of temperatures in the means of transport, warehousing and storage of quick-frozen foodstuffs intended for human consumption
  • Council Directive 89/108/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to quick-frozen foodstuffs for human consumption
  • Commission Directive 92/2/EEC laying down the sampling procedure and the Community method of analysis for the official control of the temperatures of quick-frozen foods intended for human consumption
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2021
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on quick-frozen products, 818/2012
  • Evira's Guide on the quick-freezing and freezing of foods in food premises 16049.

Updates in version 10:

  • Refined to the To be taken into consideration section that this guideline is used to evaluate also the temperature management of the foodstuffs quick-frozen/frozen for purposes of own production or use.
  • References to other Oiva guidelines were modified
  • Examples of self-check activities included in annex to guideline 1.6 were removed from the examples.

6.9 Temperature Management During Sale and serving

Guide/version: 6067/, valid from 2.1.2025

To be taken into consideration:

  • This Guideline pertains to the surrounding conditions in the sale of perishable packaged or unpackaged foodstuffs and the temperatures of the foodstuffs during sale, serving and displaying for serving. Self-service refers to a system where the customers themselves can pick the food products during sale. Counter-service refers to food products being handed to the customers by sales assistants.
  • Both surrounding temperatures and food temperatures can be measured in connection with control.
  • If the operator can demonstrate that food safety is not undermined, the operator may deviate from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 of Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021.
    • This is demonstrated by carrying out stability studies, such as literature based evidence, mathematical modelling, laboratory studies or a combination of these.
    • The assessment scale for this instruction and the principle of short-term deviation described in this instruction will apply when checking the storage temperature requirement set by the operator.
  • In this Guideline
      • short-term refers to a maximum of 24 hours,
      • a short-term temperature deviation of at most 3 °C
      • fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria refer to roe, and cold-smoked or gravad processed fish products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere.
  • To consider in terms of temperature requirements for sales:
    • When the temperature of a food product has risen by no more than 3° C from the specified surrounding temperature during storage or the temperature set by the operator, and the operator is unable to demonstrate that the increase in food temperature has been short-term, the evaluation should take account of the length of the deviation and the risk caused by the elevated temperature in the food in question.
    • The temperatures during sale defined in Section 23, 1-6 of Decree (318/2021) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry are primarily applied to the "salad bars" of stores.
    • If the operator can present the certificate of the manufacturer stating that cold storage is not needed for the preservation of the foodstuff (e.g. certain matured cheeses are not perishable foodstuffs), the temperatures during storage and sale laid down for perishable foodstuffs need not be applied to the storage of such foodstuffs.
    • Temperature management is not required in the storage or sale of otherwise unprocessed plant products that have been prepared for sale.
  • To consider in terms of temperature requirements for serving:
    • In this Guideline
      • displaying for serving refers to where the customers themselves can pick and choose the foods during serving.
      • dispensing refers to where the personnel dispense the food to the customer.
    • The Guideline also pertains to the dispensing of food in e.g. hospitals and retirement homes. When meals are served on trays, the temperatures specified for food displayed for serving in Section 23, Point 7 of Decree (318/2021) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry can be applied to the foods.
    • The operator shall know in advance the length of time that foods will be displayed for serving. If foods are displayed for serving for more than 4 h, Section 23, Point 1-6 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (318/2021) is to be complied with.
    • If the operator complies for food displayed for serving temperature 12°C for food, the time for displaying the food for serving may not be longer than 4 hours.
  • The maintenance and calibration of thermometers is evaluated in point 2.3.
  • Temperature management of chilled facilities and cold-stored foodstuffs is evaluated in point 6.2.
  • Temperature management of hot-stored foods is evaluated in point 6.3.
  • Hygiene during sales and serving is evaluated in point 7.1.
  • The Guideline contains Annex 1 with temperature requirements and evaluation guidelines.

Matters to be controlled:

  • Surrounding temperatures in the sale of foodstuffs
  • Food temperatures specified in section 23 of Decree (318/2021) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Temperature-time combinations when displaying food for serving Filling of sales equipment
  • Temperature records in own-check activities
  • Deviations in temperatures of foodstuffs sold cold or hot, corrective actions and records of corrective actions.
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check activities and, where appropriate, the plan is controlled by applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

The operator has an appropriate thermometer and, if needed, other appropriate equipment for monitoring and recording temperatures.

Surrounding temperatures in the sale of foodstuffs and the temperatures of foodstuffs meet the requirements laid down in legislation or temperature set by the operator.

The operator deviates from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021 but can demonstrate that food safety is not compromised.

Foods displayed cold for serving:

  • The temperatures of the foods have increased by no more than 12 °C during displaying for serving, with a maximum of four hours or a temperature set by the operator.

Foodstuffs kept cold for sale or foods dispensed cold:

  • The temperature of foodstuffs requiring cold storage have increased by no more than 3 degrees from the specified surrounding temperature during storage or temperature set by the operator. However, the operator can demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the food has been short-term.

Foodstuffs kept hot for sale:

  • There is a deviation of no more than 3 degrees in the temperatures of foods kept hot for sale (the temperature of the food is no less than 57°C) or temperature set by the operator.

Foods displayed hot for serving or dispensed hot:

  • There is a deviation of no more than 3 degrees in the temperatures of foods displayed hot for serving/dispensed hot (the temperature of the food is no less than 57°C) or temperature requirement set by the operator.


Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

The operator has an appropriate thermometer and, if needed, other appropriate equipment for monitoring and recording temperatures.

Foodstuffs kept cold for sale or foods dispensed cold:

  • The temperatures of products other than fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria have increased by no more than 3 degrees from the specified surrounding temperature during storage or temperature set by the operator. The operator is unable to demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the food has been short-term. However, food safety has not been impaired: for example, for long matured cheese the temperature is between 8 °C and 11 °C.


To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations that are not in compliance with legislation or impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set time of period.

The operator does not have an appropriate thermometer and/or other appropriate equipment for monitoring and recording temperatures.

The operator deviates from the temperature requirements laid down in section 23 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021 but cannot demonstrate that food safety is not compromised.

Foodstuffs kept cold for sale or foods dispensed cold:

  • The temperatures of foodstuffs requiring cold storage have increased by no more than 3 °C from the specified temperature requirement during storage. The operator is unable to demonstrate that the increase in the temperature of the food has been short-term and food safety has been impaired: e.g. the temperatures of fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria have been 4–6 °C or temperatures of warm smoked fish has been 8–9 °C long term.
  • The temperatures of other foodstuffs requiring cold storage have increased by more than 3 degrees but by no more than 6 degrees from the specified surrounding temperature during storage or temperature set by the operator.
  • Refrigeration equipment is filled above the filling limit.

Foodstuffs kept hot for sale:

  • A temperature deviation of 3 – 10 degrees is found in the temperatures of foods sold hot referring the specified temperature for food or temperature set by the operator.

Foods displayed cold for serving:

  • The temperatures of the foods have increased by no more than 15 °C during displaying for serving or a maximum of 3 °C above the temperature set by the operator, or when using the 12 °C 4 h flexibility, the time of the serving exceeds four hours.

Foods displayed hot for serving or dispensed hot:

  • A temperature deviation of 3 – 10 degrees is found in the temperatures of foods displayed hot for serving/dispensed hot or in the temperature requirement set by the operator.  


Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to rectify the issues within the set time of period. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

Foodstuffs kept cold for sale or foods dispensed cold:

  • The temperatures of fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria have increased by more than 3 degrees from the specified surrounding temperature during storage or temperature set by the operator.
  • The temperatures of other foodstuffs requiring cold storage have increased by more than 6 degrees from the specified surrounding temperature during storage or temperature set by the operator indicating a break in the cold chain of the foods.
  • Refrigeration equipment is filled above the filling limit.

Foodstuffs kept hot for sale:

  • A temperature deviation of more than 10 degrees from the specified temperature is found in the temperatures of foods kept hot for sale (the temperature of the food is 49°C or less) or temperature set by the operator.

Foods displayed cold for serving:

  • The temperatures of the foods have increased to more than 15°C during displaying for serving or more than 3 degrees temperature requirement set by the operator.

Foods displayed hot for serving or dispensed hot:

  • A temperature deviation of more than 10 degrees from the temperature specified for food displayed hot for serving/dispensed hot is found in the temperatures of foods (the temperature of the food is 49°C or less) or temperature requirement set by the operator.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, 178/2002/EC
  • Regulation No 853/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin, Annex III
  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs, 852/2004/EC; Article 4 and Annex II, Chapter IX, point 5.
  • Commission Regulation (EC) 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2021
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food 318/2021, 23 §
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide "Microbiological criteria for foodstuffs, application of Commission Regulation (EC) 2073/2005"
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 980/ ”Instructions on food hygiene for registered food operations”
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide 4955/ ”Thermometers in food business operations”

Updates to Version 2

  • Added temperature-time combinations in the cases to be checked as well as in the examples of oiva assessment when displaying food for serving.


ANNEX 1, Oiva Evaluation Guide 6.9 Temperature Requirements During Sale and Serving

Version 4, valid from 2.1.2023


Food product


Section 23 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 318/2021, with the exception of fresh unpackaged fishery products, for which provisions are laid down in EC No. 853/2004

Measured temperature of food and Oiva grade
  • Fresh unpackaged fishery products

Temperature of melting ice (max. 2 ˚C)

0 – 2 ˚C => EXCELLENT

2 – 5 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

2 – 5 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs


> 8 ˚C => POOR
  • Fishery products involving a particular risk of listeria
    • Vacuum or MAP packaged cold-smoked or gravad fish products
    • Salted roe
0 – 3 ˚C

0 – 3 ˚C => EXCELLENT

3 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

3 – 6 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED, if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term

> 6 ˚C => POOR
  • Fresh packaged fishery products
  • Thawed unprocessed fishery products
  • Non-vacuum or MAP packaged cold-smoked or gravad fishery products
  • Other vacuum or MAP packaged processed fishery products
  • Cooked and chilled crustacean and mollusc products
0 – 3 ˚C

0 – 3 ˚C => EXCELLENT

3 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

3 – 6 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs


> 9 ˚C => POOR
  • Other processed fishery products
  • Kalakukko – fish and pork pie
  • Sushi
  • Live bivalve molluscs
max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR
  • Minced meat
  • Ground liver
max. 4 ˚C

0 – 4 ˚C => EXCELLENT

4 – 7 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

4 – 7 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

7 – 10 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 10 ˚C => POOR
  • Raw meat and offal
  • Meat preparations
  • Meat products and processed meat (cold cuts, sausages, processed foods made from meat, etc.)
max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR
  • Milk and cream
  • Raw milk and raw cream
  • Milk-based products manufactured without pasteurisation or any other, at least comparable process (for example fresh colostrum and cream cheeses made from raw milk)
max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR
  • Milk-based products manufactured with at least pasteurisation or some other comparable process (for example milk beverages, cooking creams, sour milk, yoghurts, nordic kind of sour milk “viili” and cheeses).
max. 8 ˚C

0 – 8 ˚C => EXCELLENT

8 – 11 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

8 – 11 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

11 – 14 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 14 ˚C => POOR
  • insects
  • e.g. sprouts, cut vegetables
max. 6 ˚C

0 – 6 ˚C => EXCELLENT

6 – 9 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

6 – 9 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

9 – 12 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 12 ˚C => POOR
  • Pasteurized berry, fruit and vegetable juices
max. 8 ˚C

0 – 8 ˚C => EXCELLENT

8 – 11 ˚C => EXCELLENT, if increase in temperature can be demonstrated to have been short-term

8 – 11 ˚C => if increase in temperature cannot be demonstrated to have been short-term: GOOD, if the deviation does not impair food safety or TO BE CORRECTED, if food safety impairs

11 – 14 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 14 ˚C => POOR
  • Foods sold hot
min. + 60 ˚C

> 57 ˚C => EXCELLENT

50 – 57 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

≤ 49 ˚C => POOR
Foods displayed cold for serving max. +12 ˚C


12 – 15 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

> 15 ˚C => POOR
Foods displayed hot for serving min. +60 ˚C

> 57 ˚C => EXCELLENT

50 – 57 ˚C => TO BE CORRECTED

≤ 49 ˚C => POOR

Updates in version 4:

  • Evaluation scale has been modified.