Brochures. See also guides and forms.
- False morel fungi - poisonous when raw (pdf)
- Строчок – ядовит без обработки (pdf)
- Giftlorchel - giftig unbehandelt / Les gyromitres - toxiques sans une préparation spécifique (pdf)
- Guidelines for handling of mushrooms (pdf)
How to wash your hands
- How to wash your hands pdf (2019).
- How to wash your hands in Chinese pdf.
- How to wash your hands in Arabic pdf.
- Як правильно мити руки pdf / in Ukrainian
- мойте руки следующим образоm pdf/How to wash your hands in Russian.
- Ellernizi şöyle yikayin pdf/How to wash your hands in Turkish.
- RỬA TAY NHƯ THẾ NÀY pdf/How to wash your hands in Vietnamese.
Restrictions on imports of food
- Leaflet on restrictions on personal import of food of animal or plant origin (fi, sv, en)
- Leaflet on restrictions on personal import of food of animal origin (fi, sv, en, ru, ee)
- Restrictions on imports of food of animal origin by private persons, guideline (fi, sv, en, ru, ee)
- ข้อจำ�กัดการนำ�เขาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารเป็นการส่วนตัว
จากการเดินทางจากนอกเขต EU มายังฟินแลนด์/Restrictions on imports of food of animal origin from outside EU (in Thai) - Restrictions on imports of food of animal origin from outside EU (in Chinese)
- African swine fever is spreading - be aware! (pdf)
- Did you know this about antibiotics? (pdf)
- Disease prevention on pig farms (en/ru) (pdf)
ХОЗЯЙСТВАХ / Disease prevention on pig farms (en/ru) (pdf)