Web service for EU support payments data

The service will have an outage due to maintenance of information systems starting at 10 a.m. on Friday 27 September 2024. The service will normally be available on Monday 30 September 2020 at 8 a.m. The service may be available earlier.

What data is available from the service?

In the web service for EU support payments data publishes data on payments issued by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). EU legislation requires the publication of data. The aim is to increase transparency in the use of EU funds.

The web service publishes:

  • name of beneficiary
  • name and VAT identification number of the parent undertaking
  • taxation district
  • measure code
  • specific objective of the measure
  • start and end date of the operation
  • payments made from the EAGF and EAFRD.

In accordance with the Commission's guidelines, the names of those who have received support up to EUR 1,250 will not be published. If the municipality has fewer than 4 beneficiaries, the county is stated instead.

The sum of payments issued from national funds is not published in the web service. If you wish to receive public information on national support for an individual beneficiary, you can obtain it from the municipality or ELY Centre.

Data concerning several beneficiaries can be requested from the Finnish Food Authority. Instructions for requesting information can be obtained from the Finnish Food Authority's disclosure of information.

How to use the web service

The support payments data is published in the Finnish Food Authority's open information service. The data can be viewed either by EU financial year (from 16 October to 15 October) or by calendar year (summary data only).

Financial Year

For the EU financial year (16 October to 15 October), information on each beneficiary will be published in accordance with the Commission's requirements. The data is published in alphabetical order by beneficiary name.

You can filter the data based on the EU financial year, beneficiary, municipality, measure, parent company and VAT number. You can also limit the information displayed based on the sum of payments made using the Total payments: lower limit or Total payments: upper limit box.

EU financial year

Service instructions for use:

  1. Start by selecting the EU financial year at the top left corner
  2. Select Finnish, Swedish or English by hovering the mouse pointer below the language you want to select and accept the selection with the mouse.
  3. To display the cell data completely, hover over the cell.
  4. To change the table format, right-click the table and press "View data" or "View chart".
  5. You can reset the selections with the Clear selections button.
  6. If the fields on the page are not fully visible, you can scale the screen by pressing ctrl + or ctrl –.

If necessary, scroll the page from the bottom right corner to see the missing columns.

Calendar year

Summary data on support payments made during the calendar year is published in graphs, which include not only EU payments but also nationally funded payments. Data on individual beneficiaries will not be published in the calendar year service.

You can view data by region, funding source, and support group. In addition, you can see the number of beneficiaries and farms as well as more detailed information on support to farmers. You can access the service via the link below.

Calendar year

Questions and answers about publishing support payments data

Why does the Finnish Food Authority also publish support payments data for private individuals?

The web service also publishes support payments data for private individuals. EU legislation requires the publication of data for all beneficiaries. The goal is to increase transparency in the use of the EAFRD. 

Why does the Finnish Food Authority not publish data on individual beneficiaries on national payments?

EU regulations regarding the publications of payments apply only to payments from EU funds. Information on fully nationally funded payments is not published in the web service, as provisions for the publication of payment data are not laid down in national legislation.

When is the data published?

The support data for a particular EU Financial Year is published at the latest on 31 May of the following year. The EU financial year starts on 16 October and ends the following year on 15 October.

What is the basis for publishing payments data?

The publicity of support payments for the EU funding period 2014–2022 is based on Regulation (EU) 2013/1306 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2014/908.

The publicity of support payments for the EU funding period 2023–2027 is based on Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2022/128 and 2023/860.

How are the total payments calculated?

The information in the web service is based on payments made during the financial year. If the beneficiary has returned received payments, for example because of a change in numbers of livestock or land area, then the search will return the net sum.

The data may contain payments and repayments for different payment years. Included in the sum of payments are both the payments funded entirely by the EU and also those with partial funding from the national government, such as environmental compensation or business and project support.

Incorrect data?

The beneficiary has the right to have their incorrect data corrected. If you notice an error, you can contact the Finnish Food Authority to correct the error.

Looking for further information?

Contact us by e-mail at tiedonluovutus@ruokavirasto.fi.

Page last updated 9/24/2024