Give feedback

Send in your comment or question to the Finnish Food Authority by filling in the feedback form below.

Matters requiring official measures to be taken cannot be initiated using this feedback form, but have to be sent to the Registry Office of the Finnish Food Authority at the address

The Finnish Food Authority serves consumers in matters related to food safety mainly by conveying expert information and information on current topics on its website. Unfortunately, we cannot respond personally to messages from individual consumers. The municipal food control authorities respond to consumer questions related to food control, the safe use of foodstuffs and suspected food poisoning. Contact municipal food control authorities

Feedback for Finnish Food Authority

Give feedback

The feedback given through the feedback form helps us to improve the service.

Send confidential or otherwise sensitive feedback to the Finnish Food Authority's Hygene passport customer service in the security message service (Turvaviesti), You can also send large file attachments in Turvaviesti. 

If your feedback concerns suspicious activity, e.g. you have noticed fraud during the Hygiene Passport Test, please specify the test information (test time and place) in your message as accurately as possible.

Page last updated 3/18/2025