Postal address of Seinäjoki office changes

May 8/2024

The postal address of the Finnish Food Authority’s Seinäjoki office has changed as of Monday, 6 May 2024. From now on, the address for post sent directly to the Seinäjoki office is the same as the visiting address of the office:

Alvar Aallon katu 5

The postal address P.O. Box 100, 00027 RUOKAVIRASTO still works but the post is directed to the Helsinki office instead of Seinäjoki. The address P.O. Box 200, 00027 RUOKAVIRASTO of the Helsinki office is still in use as well.

The change in postal delivery does not affect the Finnish Food Authority's laboratory in Seinäjoki.

More information:
Kalle Ohtonen
Head of Section
tel. +358 40 186 8270