EU inspections of animal transports 2009

In 2009, a total of 275 animal transports were inspected in slaughterhouses and on the road, nonconformities with respect to animal protection being detected in some 27 per cent of these. As in previous years, the majority, some 32 per cent of the detected nonconformities, were related to deficiencies in regulatory documents.

A total of 275 animal transports were inspected in 2009, involving a total of over 484,000 animals. Violations of animal transport regulations were found in 75 cases. In all, the number of individual violations was 161 in 2009, as some transports violated several regulations.

The mean duration of the animal transports inspected was approximately 3 hours, with 8 per cent of the inspected transports being long ones, that is lasting over eight hours.

Most of the inspections were carried out by inspection veterinarians in slaughterhouses when transport vehicles were unloaded. In addition, provincial veterinarians inspected transports on the road and at the place of departure. The majority of inspections were targeted at transports of pigs and cattle. In addition, poultry transports, some transports of horses and reindeer, and sheep, were inspected.

Nonconformities often related to deficient documents

The majority of individual nonconformities were associated with requirements concerning transport documentation, marking indicating animals and animal transporter authorisations. The second most common deficiencies were those in the condition and safety of vehicles, and the third most common violations lay in failure to conform to additional requirements applicable to long transports.

Page last updated 11/6/2018