General information about preferential arrangements and applying for import tariff quotas
Preferential arrangements
In some cases, when importing agricultural products from third countries, preferential treatment is applied which is often tied to a certain maximum amount, known as a tariff quota. Tariff quotas allow for reduced customs duties when importing products to the EU. Once the quota for any particular product is filled, imports from third countries may continue but will be subject to full import duties and other levies.
Tariff quotas may be divided into quotas based on multilateral or bilateral agreements on the one hand and quotas based on unilateral arrangements on the other. Agreement quotas are based on preferential treatment agreed between the European Union and third countries. Examples of this are the quotas based on Europe agreements, the ACT-EC Agreement and the Euro-Mediterranean agreements. Import quotas only apply to products that have been shown to originate in the country concerned. WTO (formerly GATT) quotas are also agreement-based quotas; they constitute a group of their own in the tariff quota system. Unilateral concessions granted by the European Union allow for partial or complete exemption from import duties for products that are not produced in the European Union in sufficient quantities.
Various methods are employed in applying for quotas and in apportioning quantities among applicants. Quotas on agricultural products are quotas that are managed either through an application procedure or with a quota register. The Market Department of the Finnish Food Authority is responsible for administering the application procedure for tariff quotas for agricultural products in Finland. The ‘first-come first-served’ tariff quotas are administered by the Foreign Trade and Taxation Department of Finnish Customs using a quota register. The contact details for the Finnish Food Authority and Finnish Customs are provided at the end of this guide. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide the reader with an overview of tariff quotas, which are administered via an application procedure using AGRIM import licences, and the application of such quotas in Finland. All of the guidelines concerning AGRIM import licences are available on the internet at, and all of the guidelines on AGREX export licences are available at
Regulatory basis
This guide is based on numerous regulations on specific product sectors, referenced in the chapters dedicated to the specific product sectors. The guide supplements the guide on applications for import and export licences for agricultural products, which provides readers with a better understanding of the instructions set out herein. The application guide is available at In addition, the following regulations apply to tariff quotas:
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/760, of 17 December 2019, supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the rules for the administration of import and export tariff quotas subject to licences and supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the lodging of securities in the administration of tariff quota.
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761 of 17 December 2019, laying down rules for the application of Regulations (EU) No 1306/2013, (EU) No 1308/2013 and (EU) No 510/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the management system of tariff quotas with licence
- Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, in Appendix 1, lists the products that fall within the scope of the common organisation of the markets.
- Commission Regulations (EU) 2016/1237 and 2016/1239 on the import licence system for agricultural products apply to all AGRIM import licences.
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 907/2014 of 11 March 2014, supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to paying agencies and other bodies, financial management, clearance of accounts, securities and use of euro.
The regulations of the European Council, Parliament and Commission are legally binding on Member States. The information in this guide is based on the aforementioned regulations, but it is not legally binding. European Union legislation is constantly evolving, and any amendments are directly applicable in all Member States, including Finland. The provisions of regulations always take precedence over these guidelines. Irrespective of any updates to this publication, it is possible that the information herein is not always up to date. Information on legal amendments is published first in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ). Current legislation is also available at the same address.
Need for AGRIM import licences
AGRIM import licences entitle and oblige a party to import a product under a specific CN code from a specific country or group of countries during the period of validity of the licence.
The chapters of this guide present the codes and descriptions of goods, as well as the import quota numbers, which are administered using AGRIM quota import licences. Some quotas include several possible CN codes. Conduct a TARIC search to obtain more detailed descriptions of goods.
AGRIM import licences are not required for imports of goods for which there is no entitlement to preferential treatment (with the exception of the CN codes 1006 30, 1006 20 and 1006 40 for rice).
Before you apply to the Finnish Food Authority for an AGRIM quota import licence
- The applicant must be on the VAT register in Finland.
- The applicant must have a valid EORI number. Refer to the Finnish Customs website for information about EORI registration.
- The applicant must register as a client of the Finnish Food Authority’s Market Department and apply for access rights to the digital import and export licence application service. See the guide on applications for import and export licences for agricultural products for instructions.
- The applicant must satisfy the conditions and special requirements associated with the specific tariff quota and deliver any evidence of the completed transaction and/or reference quantity, as well as any original documents issued by a third country in relation to the licence application.
- Certain over-demanded LORI import quotas for poultrymeat and garlic carry the requirement of mandatory LORI registration on the Commission’s register and/or reference quantity requirements.
- The applicant must pledge any applicable euro-denominated security. The guide provides information on the required amount of security for specific quotas. See the guide on applications for import and export licences for agricultural products for instructions on pledging security.
- The applicant must check the Commission’s website to determine whether the amount in the application is available in the quota for the specific quota period. On the website, select Allocation coefficients for import tariff rate quotas (import quotas). Use the browser’s search functionality to find the correct quota and the current quota year. The field Available before allocation (kg) states the quantity that can be applied for in the given sub-period. If the quota quantity for a sub-period or monthly applications is exhausted, the Commission will no longer accept any new applications until the end of the tariff quota period or sub-period. For each quota number, check whether there any restrictions on the minimum or maximum quantities that can be sought in a licence application.
- Applications for AGRIM quota import licences should be submitted digitally on the Siilo service
Proof of trade
In order to minimise speculative applications, one of the special conditions for applying for a licence within certain tariff quotas is the past experience and involvement of the operator in the trade concerned with third countries. For this reason, operators are required to provide proof of minimum experience in trading with third countries in these quotas. The applicant must provide the Finnish Food Authority with proof of trade along with its first import licence application. Operators must provide proof of trade by any of the following means:
- customs data showing release for free circulation in the Union and containing, as required by the Member State concerned, a reference to the operator as declarant referred to in Article 5(15) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 or as the importer.
- customs data showing release for export from the Union and containing, as required by the Member State concerned, a reference to the operator as declarant referred to in Article 5(15) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 or as exporter referred to in Article 1(19) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446.
- a used import/export licence duly endorsed by customs authorities containing a reference to the operator as a licence holder.
Proof of trade is not required for quotas subject to the requirement of reference quantity, unless that requirement is suspended.
ISAMM LORI registration requirement
To ensure transparency and to enable the competent authorities to detect violations of the rules for the administration of tariff quotas, and in particular of the eligibility requirements, in certain over-demanded tariff quotas the licence holders’ names, EORI numbers and addresses are published on the official website of the Commission. These over-demanded quotas carry the requirements of ISAMM LORI registration. ISAMM LORI registration is mandatory for all companies that plan to apply for tariff quota numbers 09.4067, 09.4068, 09.4069, 09.4211, 09.4212, 09.4213, 09.4214, 09.4215,09.4216, 09.4251, 09.4254, 09.4255, 09.4260, 09.4263, 09.4273, 09.4410, 09.4411, 09.4412, 09.4420, 09.4422 for the poultrymeat sector and for tariff quota number 09.4285 for garlic originating from China for the tariff quota period starting 1 January 2021. Applications for LORI registration must be submitted no later than two months before the month during which the operator intends to submit its licence application. ISAMM LORI registration always carries a requirement for a reference quantity and a declaration of independence. Instructions for LORI registration are available at click on “LORI registration” under the heading, “Additional information”, on the right-hand side.
Reference quantity requirement
There are import tariff quotas that do not require ISAMM LORI registration but that are sensitive quotas because they are over-demanded or apply to a specific product or country of origin that is of special importance to the sound functioning of the Union’s markets or because regulations applying to the administration of the quotas have previously been circumvented or applied incorrectly. To ensure the appropriate administration of such import tariff quotas, the maximum quantities that can be applied for must be confirmed in the form of a reference quantity. Reference quantities apply to individual operators, and they specify a maximum quantity (15%) in order to ensure that it is possible for new importers and small and medium-sized operators to enter the market. Applicants must provide the Finnish Food Authority with evidence pertaining to the reference quantity along with their first import licence application.
In quotas subject to a reference quantity requirement, the regulations repealed in Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761 shall apply to the confirmation of the reference quantity during the first two tariff quota periods after the entry into force of Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761. The Commission has specified that the repealed regulations shall only apply to the documents related to proof of reference quantity in the quotas concerned and not to the method for calculating reference quantities. During the first two tariff quota periods, the fulfilment of the reference quantity requirement may be proven by providing customs documents concerning the release for free circulation, duly approved by the customs authorities and including a reference to the applicant referenced as the consignee, or a customs document concerning export, duly approved by the customs authorities.
The Commission may suspend the reference quantity requirement if, at the end of the ninth month (note that this does not always mean calendar months) of the tariff quota period at the latest, the quantities applied for throughout the EU under the tariff quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce the suspension of the reference quantity by issuing an implementing regulation. The duration of the suspension shall not exceed the tariff quota period.
Issue of a quota import licence and return of a quota import licence to the Finnish Food Authority
With regard to quotas that have specific application periods defined in regulations, the Finnish Food Authority reports to the Commission on the quantities applied for in Finland after the deadline for submissions. During the period specified in the regulations, the Commission shall decide which applications from all of the Member States shall be approved. If the quantities applied for exceed the quantities available in certain quotas, the Commission will announce the allocation coefficient to be applied to all applications submitted for the quota concerned. If the sum total of the applications submitted for a quota is equal to or less than the quantity available in the quota, the applicants will be granted licences in the amounts for which they applied. The allocation coefficients determined by the Commission for each quota are published on the same European Commission website as the quantities that can be applied for. The Finnish Food Authority grants AGRIM quota import licences after the allocation coefficient is published. If the granted quantity is less than the quantity applied for, the Finnish Food Authority will release a corresponding sum of security. Preferential treatment only applies up to the number of kilograms stated on the AGRIM quota import licence. For quotas without specific application periods, AGRIM quota import licences are issued without delay if the applicant provides the Finnish Food Authority with certificates of origin issued by the authorities in the exporting country along with the AGRIM quota import licence application. For some quotas, the licence-granting procedure also depends on the Finnish Food Authority receiving a weekly Communication from the European Commission concerning certificates of origin. In order for the products stated on the quota import licence to be released for free circulation, it may be necessary to present Finnish Customs with a certificate of origin or authenticity certificate in addition to the AGRIM import licence.
The used AGRIM quota import licence must be returned to the Finnish Food Authority within 60 calendar days of the expiry of the licence. Returning the import licence with Customs endorsements to the Finnish Food Authority within 60 days is taken as proof that the obligation derived from the import licence has been fulfilled. The security will be released if the import obligation has been fulfilled and the used licence has been returned within the specified time period. The obligation to release products for free circulation is considered completely fulfilled when the entire quantity of products specified in the AGRIM quota import licence has cleared customs through the appropriate procedure during the period of validity of the licence and the products have actually been released for free circulation. The quantity released for free circulation under an AGRIM quota import licence may deviate by no more than -5% from the quantity permitted by the licence. When the Finnish Food Authority has processed a returned import licence for which 95% of the quantity has been used, the entire security will be released. If less than 95% of the licensed quantity has been used, security will be released in proportion to the realised imports. The customer forfeits the proportion of the security corresponding to the unrealised quantity. If the AGRIM quota import licence is returned late, the security may be withheld even if the import obligation is fulfilled.
An AGRIM quota import licence issued by the Finnish Food Authority must be returned after the appropriate endorsements have been entered on it by Finnish Customs. Electronic licences must be returned through the Electronic import and export licence service, and paper licences must be mailed to the Finnish Food Authority. The licence must always be returned, even if it has not been used during its period of validity.
The periods of validity of quota import licences vary depending on the product sector. The periods of validity are shown in this guide and the Commission regulations.
Notice on veterinary regulations and plant health legislation
Import licences can only be used to import products that satisfy all applicable veterinary regulations and plant health legislation in the Community.
For further information on veterinary regulations, see the Finnish Food Authority’s website. For further information on plant health legislation, see the Finnish Food Authority’s website. The email address of the experts on veterinary regulations is rajatarkastus(at), and the email address of the experts on plant health legislation is kasvinterveys(at)
Tariff quota year for the cereals sector
Import tariff quotas for the cereals sector are opened up for one year at a time, for a period from 1 January to 31 December.
Products other than high-quality wheat
- Origin: USA
- Tariff quota number: 09.4123
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and (EU) 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. The licence application must state the quantity in kilograms, which must not be greater than the total quantity available in the quota or sub-quota in the year concerned. Proof of origin for release for free circulation.
- CN code(s): Ex 1001 99 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid until the end of the tariff quota period
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 12 / 1,000 kg
Products other than high-quality wheat
- Origin: Canada
- Tariff quota number: 09.4124
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and (EU) 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Proof of origin for release for free circulation.
- CN code(s): Ex 1001 99 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid until the end of the tariff quota period
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Products other than high-quality wheat
- Origin: Third countries (except the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom)
- Tariff quota number: 09.4125
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and (EU) 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. The licence application must state the quantity in kilograms, which must not be greater than the total quantity available in the sub-period concerned. Proof of origin for release for free circulation.
- CN code(s): Ex 1001 99 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June and 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, a licence granted for a sub-period shall be valid until the end of the month after the sub-period ends, but not beyond the end of the quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 12 / 1,000 kg
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4131
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and (EU) 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the cereals sector with third countries as stated in Part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. The licence application must state the quantity in kilograms, which must not be greater than the total quantity available in the sub-period concerned.
- CN code(s): 1005 10 90, 1005 90 00. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June and 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, a licence granted for a sub-period shall be valid until the end of the month after the sub-period ends, but not beyond the end of the quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Products other than high-quality wheat
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4133
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No proof of previous trade. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. The licence application must state the quantity in kilograms, which must not be greater than the total quantity available in the tariff quota period concerned.
- CN code(s): Ex 1001 99 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid until the end of the tariff quota period
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 12 / 1,000 kg
Cereals sector import tariff quotas for Ukraine
Wheat – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4306
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the cereals sector with third countries as stated in Part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state “Ukraine”, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. The licence application must state the quantity in kilograms, which must not be greater than the total quantity available in the sub-period concerned. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate
- CN code(s): 1001 99 (00), 1101 00 (15-90), 1102 90 (90), 1103 11 (90), 1103 20 (60). The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid until the end of the tariff quota period
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Barley – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4307
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the cereals sector with third countries as stated in Part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state “Ukraine”, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. The licence application must state the quantity in kilograms, which must not be greater than the total quantity available in the sub-period concerned. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate
- CN code(s): 1003 90 (00), 1102 90 (10), ex 1103 20 (25). The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid until the end of the tariff quota period
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Maize – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4308
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the cereals sector with third countries as stated in Part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state “Ukraine”, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the quota number and the applicable in-quota customs duty, as stated below. The licence application must state the quantity in kilograms, which must not be greater than the total quantity available in the sub-period concerned. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate
- CN code(s): 1005 90 (00), 1102 20 (10-90), 1103 13 (10-90), 1103 20 (40), 1104 23 (40-98). The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid until the end of the tariff quota period
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Tariff quota period for rice
The total import tariff quotas for rice are opened up for the period from 1 January to 31 December each year. A proportion of the quotas is divided into sub-quota-periods, and applications may only be submitted at certain times of the year. A proportion of the quotas can be applied for on any day of the year.
Basmati rice from India and Pakistan
- Origin: India and Pakistan
- Tariff quota number: -
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulation (EC) No 972/2006
- Security: EUR 70 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Section 8 of the import licence application must include a notification of the country of origin and a tick in the box marked “Yes”. Section 20 must contain one of the entries listed in Annex I to the Regulation.2. Import licence applications for basmati rice should be accompanied by proof that the applicant is a legal entity or natural person who has been engaged in commercial activities in the rice sector for at least 12 months and is registered in the Member State in which the application is submitted, as well as a certificate of the authenticity of the product issued by the competent authority in the exporting country as specified in Annex II to the Regulation. When the consignment of rice has arrived in the country, and a sample will be taken to analyse the DNA of the variety of rice. The sample is sent for analysis in the country from which the goods came. The purpose of this control mechanism based on DNA analysis is to discourage speculation on different varieties of rice. If the imported consignment is not a variety that entitles it to preferential treatment, the import licence security will be forfeited, and the consignment will carry the general duty for husked rice.
- CN code(s): 1006 20 17 and the following varieties of CN code 1006 20 98:
Basmati 217
Basmati 370
Basmati 386
Kernel (Basmati)
Pusa Basmati
Ranbir Basmati
Super Basmati
Taraori Basmati (HBC-19)
Type-3 (Dehradun)
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: USA
- Tariff quota number: 09.4127
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application: An export certificate prepared by the country of origin in accordance with Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 30 September)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4128
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application: An export certificate prepared by the country of origin in accordance with Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 30 September)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: Australia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4129
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application: An export certificate prepared by the country of origin in accordance with Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 30 September)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: All third countries except Australia, Thailand, United States of America, and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4130
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 30 September)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4138
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector as stated in part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month in the sub-period, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared. In quotas 09.4127, 09.4128, 09.4129 and 09.4130, the unused quantities that were not allocated in previous sub-periods are open for applications.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Husked rice
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4148
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement, no proof of previous trade. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 20. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 15%
Broken rice
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4149
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 5 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application: An export certificate prepared by the country of origin in accordance with Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761
- CN code(s): 1006 40 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 30.77% duty reduction
Broken rice
- Origin: Australia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4150
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 5 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement, no proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 40 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 30.77% duty reduction
Broken rice
- Origin: USA
- Tariff quota number: 09.4153
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 5 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 40 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 30.77% duty reduction
Broken rice
- Origin: All third countries except Australia, Guyana, Thailand, United States of America, and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4154
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 5 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 40 00
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 30.77% duty reduction
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4112
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: USA
- Tariff quota number: 09.4116
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: India
- Tariff quota number: 09.4117
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: Pakistan
- Tariff quota number: 09.4118
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: All third countries except India, Pakistan, Thailand, United States of America, and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4119
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Wholly milled or semi-milled rice
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4166
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 46 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 August, 1 September to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Broken rice
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4168
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 5 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part II of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1006 40 00
- Application periods: The entire quantity in the quota can be applied for in the September sub-period. The unused quantities from the September sub-period will be transferred to the sub-period from 1 October to 31 December. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of the month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period: 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 September to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Import tariff quotas for rice originating in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Husked rice
- Origin: Vietnam
- Tariff quota number: 09.4729
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation.
- CN code(s): 1006.10.30, 1006.10.50, 1006.10.71, 1006.10.79. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: the first seven calendar days of the month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. Instead of December, applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 31 September, 1 October to 30 September)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Milled rice
- Origin: Vietnam
- Tariff quota number: 09.4730
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation.
- CN code(s): 1006.30.21, 1006.30.23, 1006.30.25, 1006.30.27, 1006.30.42, 1006.30.44, 1006.30.46, 1006.30.48, 1006.30.61, 1006.30.63, 1006.30.65, 1006.30.67, 1006.30.92, 1006.30.94, 1006.30.96, 1006.30.98. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: the first seven calendar days of the month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. Instead of December, applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 31 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Milled rice
- Origin: Vietnam
- Tariff quota number: 09.4731
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 30 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the rice sector with third countries as stated in Part I of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. The proof of origin for release for free circulation and the authenticity certificate stating that the rice belongs to one of the specific varieties of fragrant rice set out in Annex I shall be drawn up on a form in accordance with the specimen laid down in Annex III.
- CN code(s): 1006.10.30, 1006.10.50, 1006.10.71, 1006.10.79, 1006.20.11, 1006.20.13, 1006.20.15, 1006.20.17, 1006.20.92, 1006.20.94, 1006.20.96, 1006.20.98, 1006.30.21, 1006.30.23, 1006.30.25, 1006.30.27, 1006.30.42, 1006.30.44, 1006.30.46, 1006.30.48, 1006.30.61, 1006.30.63, 1006.30.65, 1006.30.67, 1006.30.92, 1006.30.94, 1006.30.96, 1006.30.98. The rice must belong to one of the specific varieties of fragrant rice: Jasmine 85, ST 5, ST 20, Nang Hoa 9 (NàngHoa 9), VD 20, RVT, OM 4900, OM 5451, Tai nguyen Cho Dao (Tàinguyên Cho Dào). The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: the first seven calendar days of the month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. Instead of December, applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 31 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Tariff quota period for sugar
Import tariff quotas for sugar are opened up for one year at a time, for a period from 1 October to 30 September. The tariff quota period is divided into one-month sub-periods. The quantities in the sub-periods are as follows: 100% in the first sub-period and 0% in the remaining sub-periods. The Commission will suspend licence applications until the end of the marketing year with respect to the order numbers in which the available quantities have been exhausted. However, the Commission will cancel the suspension and begin accepting new applications when quantities become available.
Obligations related to submitting licence applications
With regard to sugar eligible for CXL concessions with order numbers 09.4317, 09.4318, 09.4319, 09.4320, 09.4321, 09.4329 and 09.4330, import licence applications must be accompanied by an undertaking by the applicant to refine the relevant quantities of sugar before the end of the three-month period following the expiry of the relevant import licence.
Sugar eligible for CXL concessions
Raw cane sugar for refining
- Origin: Australia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4317
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state “sugar for refining” and the text provided in Part A of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447. Refining obligation within 180 days of the sugar being released for free circulation in the European Union.
- CN code(s): 1701 13 10, 1701 14 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 98 / 1,000 kg Where the polarimetric reading of the imported raw sugar departs from 96 degrees, the rate of EUR 98 per 1,000 kg shall be increased or reduced, as appropriate, by 0.14% per tenth of a degree difference established.
Raw cane sugar for refining
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4318
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state “sugar for refining” and the text provided in Part A of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447. Refining obligation within 180 days of the sugar being released for free circulation in the European Union.
- CN code(s): 1701 13 10, 1701 14 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 98 / 1,000 kg Where the polarimetric reading of the imported raw sugar departs from 96 degrees, the rate of EUR 98 per 1,000 kg shall be increased or reduced, as appropriate, by 0.14% per tenth of a degree difference established.
Raw cane sugar for refining
- Origin: Cuba
- Tariff quota number: 09.4319
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state “sugar for refining” and the text provided in Part A of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447. Refining obligation within 180 days of the sugar being released for free circulation in the European Union.
- CN code(s): 1701 13 10, 1701 14 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 98 / 1,000 kg Where the polarimetric reading of the imported raw sugar departs from 96 degrees, the rate of EUR 98 per 1,000 kg shall be increased or reduced, as appropriate, by 0.14% per tenth of a degree difference established.
Raw cane sugar for refining
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4320
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state “sugar for refining” and the text provided in Part A of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447. Refining obligation within 180 days of the sugar being released for free circulation in the European Union.
- CN code(s): 1701 13 10, 1701 14 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 98 / 1,000 kg Where the polarimetric reading of the imported raw sugar departs from 96 degrees, the rate of EUR 98 per 1,000 kg shall be increased or reduced, as appropriate, by 0.14% per tenth of a degree difference established.
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form
- Origin: India
- Tariff quota number: 09.4321
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the text provided in Part A of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1701. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Raw cane sugar for refining
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4329
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the text provided in Part A of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447. Refining obligation within 180 days of the sugar being released for free circulation in the European Union.
- CN code(s): 1701 13 10, 1701 14 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 11 / 1,000 kg Where the polarimetric reading of the imported raw sugar departs from 96 degrees, the rate of EUR 11 per 1,000 kg shall be increased or reduced, as appropriate, by 0.14% per tenth of a degree difference established.
Balkans sugar
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form and other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
- Origin: Albania
- Tariff quota number: 09.4324
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the text provided in Part B of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin in the licence application: An export licence issued by the competent authority in a third country in accordance with Article 35 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 1701, 1702. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form and other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
- Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Tariff quota number: 09.4325
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the text provided in Part B of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin in the licence application: An export licence issued by the competent authority in a third country in accordance with Article 35 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 1701, 1702. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
- Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form and other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
- Origin: Serbia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4326
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the text provided in Part B of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin in the licence application: An export licence issued by the competent authority in a third country in accordance with Article 35 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 1701, 1702. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September. - In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form and other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
- Origin: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4327
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the sugar sector with third countries as stated in Part III of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the text provided in Part B of Section XIV.3 of Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin in the licence application: An export licence issued by the competent authority in a third country in accordance with Article 35 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 1701, 1702. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications must be submitted between the first and seventh days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 October to 30 September
Period of validity of the licence: Until the end of the third month after the month when the licence is issued but not beyond 30 September - In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Olive oil
Tariff quota period for olive oil
The tariff quota period for olive oil is opened up for a period from 1 January to 31 December each year.
Olive oil
- Origin: Wholly obtained in Tunisia and transported directly from that country to the Union
- Tariff quota number: 09.4032
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg net
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade: The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of olive oil and products in the olive oil sector intended for consumption with third countries as stated in Part VII of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Sections 7 and 8 of the import licence application should state the exporting country and country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the tariff quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): 1509 10 10, 1509 10 20, 1509 10 80. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period. The licence is valid from the first calendar day of the month after the application is submitted until the end of the tariff quota period if the application is submitted during the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Tariff quota period for garlic
The garlic tariff quota period begins on 1 June each year and ends on 31 May of the following year. The tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods.
Fresh or chilled garlic
- Origin: Argentina
- Tariff quota number: 09.4104
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 60 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade: ‘Traditional importer’ means an importer that can prove that it has received and used quota import licences for fresh garlic under CN code 0703 20 00 in the three preceding import tariff quota periods, which have ended, and released for free circulation from third countries at least 50 tonnes of fruit and vegetables in accordance with Part IX of Annex I of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 or exported at least 50 tonnes of garlic to third countries in the import tariff quota period preceding the application. Reference quantity requirement: The reference quantity is the average of the quantities of fresh garlic under CN code 0703 20 00 which the traditional importer has released for free circulation during the three calendar years preceding the relevant import tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The total quantity of products stated on licence applications submitted by a traditional importer during a tariff quota period must not exceed the importer’s reference quantity. The reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity corresponds to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must include a reference to “traditional importer”, the order number of the tariff quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0703 20 00 fresh or chilled garlic
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 June to 31 May (sub-periods 1 June to 31 August, 1 September to 30 November, 1 December to 28/29 February, 1 March to 31 May)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 9.6%
Fresh or chilled garlic
- Origin: Argentina
- Tariff quota number: 09.4099
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 60 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. ‘New importer’ means an operator that has imported into the Union from third countries at least 50 tonnes of fruit and vegetables as defined in Part IX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in each of the two previous tariff quota periods, or in each of the two calendar years preceding the submission of its application. Or that the importer has exported to third countries at least 50 tonnes of garlic in each of the two previous tariff quota periods, or in each of the two calendar years preceding the submission of its application. Proof of trades with third countries is presented solely by means of customs documents. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must include a reference to “new importer”, the order number of the tariff quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. The total quantity stated in a licence application submitted by a new importer in any partial quota period may be no more than 10% of the total quantity available to traditional and new importers with respect to the partial quota period and origin.
- CN code(s): 0703 20 00 fresh or chilled garlic
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 June to 31 May (sub-periods 1 June to 31 August, 1 September to 30 November, 1 December to 28/29 February, 1 March to 31 May)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 9.6%
Fresh or chilled garlic
- Origin: China
- Tariff quota number: 09.4285
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 60 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement: The reference quantity is the average annual quantities of fresh or chilled garlic under CN code 0703 20 00 released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers the products falling within the same tariff quota order number and with the same origin as the tariff quota. The total quantity of products stated on licence applications submitted by an operator during a tariff quota period must not exceed the importer’s reference quantity. The reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity corresponds to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page.
Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. - CN code(s): 0703 20 00 fresh or chilled garlic
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 June to 31 May (sub-periods 1 June to 31 August, 1 September to 30 November, 1 December to 28/29 February, 1 March to 31 May)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 9.6%
Fresh or chilled garlic
- Origin: All third countries except China, Argentina and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4287
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 60 / 1,000 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade: the operator must prove that it has exported from the Union or released for free circulation in the Union at least 25 tonnes of fruits and vegetables in accordance with Part IX of Annex I of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 in each of the two 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. No reference quantity requirement. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin: Proof of origin issued by the competent authorities in Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates or Vietnam in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 and a transport document proving direct transportation for the purpose of release for free circulation in accordance with Article 39 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 0703 20 00 fresh or chilled garlic
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 June to 31 May (sub-periods 1 June to 31 August, 1 September to 30 November, 1 December to 28/29 February, 1 March to 31 May)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 9.6%
Preserved mushrooms
Tariff quota period for preserved mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
The total import tariff quotas for preserved mushrooms of the genus Agaricus are opened up for the period from 1 January to 31 December each year.
Preserved mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
- Origin: All third countries except China and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4286
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 40 / 1,000 kg (drained net weight)
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The reference quantity covers the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. The Commission shall suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period at the latest, the quantities applied for under the tariff quota are lower than the quantities available for that tariff quota period. If the Commission suspends the reference quantity requirement, proof of trade will be required. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the processed fruit and vegetables products sector with third countries as stated in Part X of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0711 51 00, 2003 10 20, 2003 10 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from 1 January of the following year. If the application was submitted between 23 November and 30 November of the preceding year, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period. From the first calendar day of the month after the application is submitted until the end of the tariff quota period, if the application is submitted during the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 0711 51 00: Ad valorem duty 12%, CN codes 2003 10 20 and 2003 10 30: Ad valorem duty 23%
Preserved mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
- Origin: China
- Tariff quota number: 09.4284
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 40 / 1,000 kg (drained net weight)
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The reference quantity covers the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. The Commission shall suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period at the latest, the quantities applied for under the tariff quota are lower than the quantities available for that tariff quota period. If the Commission suspends the reference quantity requirement, proof of trade will be required. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the processed fruit and vegetables products sector with third countries as stated in Part X of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0711 51 00, 2003 10 20, 2003 10 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from 1 January of the following year. If the application was submitted between 23 November and 30 November of the preceding year, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period. From the first calendar day of the month after the application is submitted until the end of the tariff quota period, if the application is submitted during the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 0711 51 00: Ad valorem duty 12%, CN codes 2003 10 20 and 2003 10 30: Ad valorem duty 23%
Beef and veal
Tariff quota period for beef and veal
The quota period for beef and veal (the quota year) may begin on 1 January and end on 31 December or begin on 1 July and end on 30 June the following year. Certain quota periods in the beef and veal sector may be divided into 2, 4 or 12 sub-periods. A predetermined quantity of the total quota quantity is available for allocation in each sub-period. The distributable quantity may also be larger if any quantities remained unallocated in the preceding sub-periods; unallocated quantities are added to the quantity in the next sub-period.
Administration of tariff quotas for beef and veal
The tariff quotas for beef and veal are administered using AGRIM import licences. Imported quantities in excess of the quantities stated on AGRIM import licences are subject to the full customs duty as laid down in the Common Customs Tariff on the date of release for free circulation.
High quality fresh, chilled or frozen meat of bovine animals meeting the following definition: ‘Carcasses or any cuts obtained from bovine animals not over 30 months of age which have been fed for 100 days or more on nutritionally balanced, high-energy-content rations containing not less than 70% grain and comprising at least 20 pounds total feed per day. Beef graded “choice” or “prime” according to USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) standards automatically meets the above definition. Meat graded “Canada A”, “Canada AA”, “Canada AAA”, “Canada Choice” and “Canada Prime”, “A1”, “A2”, “A3” and “A4”, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency – Government of Canada, corresponds to this definition.’
- Origin: USA and Canada
- Tariff quota number: 09.4002
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The product description applying to the meat originating in the exporting country shall be shown on the reverse of the form. The issuing authorities are stated in Annex VIII to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The cuts shall be labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The indication ‘High Quality Beef’ may be added to the information on the label.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201, ex 0202, ex 0206 10 95, ex 0206 29 91. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods: 12 one-month sub-periods)
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 43(9) of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid for three months from the date of issue.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20% However, the duty for products originating in Canada is EUR 0
Meat of bovine animals, excluding bison, fresh or chilled
- Origin: Canada
- Tariff quota number: 09.4280
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 9.50 / 100 kg (carcass weight equivalent)
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade: The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the beef and veal sector with third countries as stated in Part XV of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in the 12-month period preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in the period. The 12-month period must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. The total quantity stated on the application must be converted to carcass weight equivalent in accordance with Annex XVI to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Article 46 of Regulation (EU) No. 2020/761.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 10 00 , Ex 0201 20 20, Ex 0201 20 30, Ex 0201 20 50, Ex 0201 20 90, Ex 0201 30 00, Ex 0206 10 95. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven days of the two-month period preceding the sub-period. If some quantities are still available in a certain sub-period after the first application period, applicants meeting the eligibility requirements may submit new import licence applications in accordance with Article 6 of this Regulation in the next two application periods. In such cases, food industry operators that have approved establishments in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004(45) of the European Parliament and of the Council may submit applications without presenting proof of trade. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences are valid for five months from the issue date as referred to in Article 7 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1239 or from the start of the sub-period for which the import licence is issued, whichever is later. However, import licences expire on 31 December. Licence holders may return unused quantities covered by the licence before the licence expires and no later than four months before the end of the tariff quota period. Each licence holder may return a maximum of 30% of the quantity covered by their licence. If part of the quantity covered by a licence is returned in accordance with the foregoing, 60% of the corresponding security will be released.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Meat of bovine animals, excluding bison, fresh or chilled
- Origin: Canada
- Tariff quota number: 09.4281
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 9.50 / 100 kg (carcass weight equivalent)
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade: The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the beef and veal sector with third countries as stated in Part XV of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in the 12-month period preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in the period. The 12-month period must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. The total quantity stated on the application must be converted to carcass weight equivalent in accordance with Annex XVI to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Article 46 of Regulation (EU) No. 2020/761.
- CN code(s): Ex 0202 10 00, Ex 0202 20 10, Ex 0202 20 30, Ex 0202 20 50, Ex 0202 20 90, Ex 0202 30 10, Ex 0202 30 50, Ex 0202 30 90, Ex 0206 29 91, Ex 0210 20 10, Ex 0210 20 90, Ex 0210 99 51, Ex 0210 99 59. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven days of the two-month period preceding the sub-period. If some quantities are still available in a certain sub-period after the first application period, applicants meeting the eligibility requirements may submit new import licence applications in accordance with Article 6 of this Regulation in the next two application periods. In such cases, food industry operators that have approved establishments in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004(45) of the European Parliament and of the Council may submit applications without presenting proof of trade. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences are valid for five months from the issue date as referred to in Article 7 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1239 or from the start of the sub-period for which the import licence is issued, whichever is later. However, import licences expire on 31 December. Licence holders may return unused quantities covered by the licence before the licence expires and no later than four months before the end of the tariff quota period. Each licence holder may return a maximum of 30% of the quantity covered by their licence. If part of the quantity covered by a licence is returned in accordance with the foregoing, 60% of the corresponding security will be released.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Frozen beef and veal (“GATT quota”)
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4003
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 6 / 100 kg boneless equivalent.
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the 12-month period ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: 25 tonnes in the 12-month period ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. ‘Frozen meat’ means meat that has an internal temperature of -12 °C or lower when it enters the customs territory of the Union. 100 kg of bone-in meat shall be equivalent to 77 kg of boneless meat.
- CN code(s): 0202, 0206 29 91. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period. The licence is valid from the first calendar day of the month after the application is submitted until the end of the tariff quota period if the application is submitted during the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
Meat of bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4270
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the 12-month period ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: 25 tonnes in the 12-month period ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part. ‘Frozen meat’ means meat that has an internal temperature of -12 °C or lower when it enters the customs territory of the Union.
- CN code(s): 0201 10 00, 0201 20 20, 0201 20 30, 0201 20 50, 0201 20 90, 0201 30 00, 0202 10 00, 0202 20 10, 0202 20 30, 0202 20 50, 0202 20 90, 0202 30 10, 0202 30 50, 0202 30 90. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Application for an import licence based on an authenticity certificate
Applications for import licences for beef and veal of Argentinian, Australian, Brazilian, Paraguayan, Uruguayan or New Zealand origin and buffalo meat of Australian origin are based on certificates of authenticity issued by the exporting country. Import licences can be applied for in the aforementioned product groups continuously. In order for an import licence to be issued, the original copy of the authenticity certificate issued and duly confirmed by the authorities in the exporting country must be presented along with the import licence application. Authenticity certificates are valid for three months from the date of issue, but not beyond the last day of the tariff quota period. The import licence application must be made within the period of validity of the authenticity certificate and no later than on the last day of the tariff quota period. A further requirement is the Commission’s weekly Communication concerning the relevant import consignment, supplied to the Commission by the competent authorities in the exporting country and sent by the Commission to the authorities that issue import licences in the Member States. The stated quantities are expressed in kilograms of product weight and, depending on the case, are converted to boneless product weight equivalent. ‘Frozen meat’ means meat that has an internal temperature of -12°C or lower when it enters the customs territory of the Union.
Frozen boneless buffalo meat
- Origin: Australia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4001
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): Ex 0202 30 90
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application and until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day thereafter. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
Boneless buffalo meat, fresh, chilled or frozen
- Origin: Argentina
- Tariff quota number: 09.4004
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and for release for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 30 00, ex 0202 30 90. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
Meat of bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen
- Origin: Chile
- Tariff quota number: 09.4181
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 0201 20, 0201 30 00, 0202 20, 0202 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Import quotas of ‘baby beef’ products
Certain live animals and certain meat (‘baby beef’) referred to in Annex II to the Interim Agreement with Serbia
- Origin: Serbia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4198
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. A further requirement is the Commission’s weekly Communication concerning the relevant import consignment, supplied to the Commission by the authorities in the exporting country and sent by the Commission to the competent authorities that issue import licences in the Member States. For the purposes of attributing these quotas, 100 kg live weight shall be equivalent to 50 kg carcass weight.
- CN code(s): Ex 0102 29 51, ex 0102 29 59, ex 0102 29 91, ex 0102 29 99, ex 0201 10 00, ex 0201 20 20, ex 0201 20 30, ex 0201 20 50. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 31 December.
- In-quota customs duty: 20% of the ad valorem duty and 20% of the specific duty as laid down in the Common Customs Tariff
Certain live animals and certain meat (‘baby beef’) referred to in Annex II to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement concluded with Montenegro
- Origin: Montenegro
- Tariff quota number: 09.4199
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. A further requirement is the Commission’s weekly Communication concerning the relevant import consignment, supplied to the Commission by the authorities in the exporting country and sent by the Commission to the competent authorities that issue import licences in the Member States.
For the purposes of attributing these quotas, 100 kg live weight shall be equivalent to 50 kg carcass weight - CN code(s): Ex 0102 29 51, ex 0102 29 59, ex 0102 29 91, ex 0102 29 99, ex 0201 10 00, ex 0201 20 20, ex 0201 20 30, ex 0201 20 50. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 31 December.
- In-quota customs duty: 20% of the ad valorem duty and 20% of the specific duty as laid down in the Common Customs Tariff
Certain live animals and certain meat (‘baby beef’)
- Origin: The customs territory of Kosovo
- Tariff quota number: 09.4200
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. A further requirement is the Commission’s weekly Communication concerning the relevant import consignment, supplied to the Commission by the authorities in the exporting country and sent by the Commission to the competent authorities that issue import licences in the Member States.
For the purposes of attributing these quotas, 100 kg live weight shall be equivalent to 50 kg carcass weight. - CN code(s): Ex 0102 29 51, ex 0102 29 59, ex 0102 29 91, ex 0102 29 99, ex 0201 10 00, ex 0201 20 20, ex 0201 20 30, ex 0201 20 50. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 31 December.
- In-quota customs duty: 20% of the ad valorem duty and 20% of the specific duty as laid down in the Common Customs Tariff
Dried boneless meat: cuts of meat from haunches of bovine animals aged at least 18 months, with no visible intramuscular fat (3 to 7%) and a pH of the fresh meat between 5.4 and 6.0, salted, seasoned, pressed, dried only in fresh dry air and developing noble mould (bloom of microscopic fungi). The weight of the finished product is between 41% and 53% of the raw material before salting.
- Origin: Switzerland
- Tariff quota number: 09.4202
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): Ex 02 10 20 90
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 31 December.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
High quality boneless beef meeting the following definition: ‘Selected beef cuts obtained from steers, young steers or heifers having been exclusively fed through pasture grazing since their weaning. The steer carcasses shall be classified as “A”, “B”, or “C”, young steer and heifer carcasses shall be classified as “A” or “B” according to the official beef classification established by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food in Argentina.
- Origin: Argentina
- Tariff quota number: 09.4450
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The cuts shall be labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The indication ‘High Quality Beef’ may be added to the information on the label.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 30 00, ex 0206 10 95. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
High quality fresh, chilled or frozen meat of bovine animals meeting the following definition: ‘Selected cuts obtained from steer or heifer carcasses which have been classified under one of the following official categories “Y”, “YS”, “YG”, “YGS”, “YP” and “YPS” as defined by AUS-MEAT Australia. Beef colour must conform to AUS-MEAT fat colour reference standards 0 to 4 and fat depth (measured at the P8 site) to AUS-MEAT fat classes 2 to 5’
- Origin: Australia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4451
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The cuts shall be labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The indication ‘High Quality Beef’ may be added to the information on the label.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 20 90, ex 0201 30 00, ex 0202 20 90, ex 0202 30, ex 0206 10 95, ex 0206 29 91. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
High quality boneless meat of bovine animals meeting the following definition: ‘Selected beef cuts obtained from steers (novillo) or heifers (vaquillona) as defined in the official carcass classification of bovine meat established by the National Institute of Meat of Uruguay (Instituto Nacional de Carnes – INAC). The eligible animals for production of High Quality Beef have been exclusively fed through pasture grazing since their weaning. The carcasses shall be classified as “I”, “N” or “A”, with fat cover “1”, “2” or “3” in accordance with the above mentioned classification.’
- Origin: Uruguay
- Tariff quota number: 09.4452
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The cuts shall be labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The indication ‘High Quality Beef’ may be added to the information on the label.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 30 00, ex 0206 10 95. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
Boneless beef meeting the following definition: ‘Selected cuts obtained from steers or heifers having been exclusively fed with pasture grass since their weaning. The carcasses shall be classified as “B” with fat cover “2” or “3” according to the official beef carcass classification established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply in Brazil (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento).’
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4453
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The cuts shall be labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The indication ‘High Quality Beef’ may be added to the information on the label.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 30 00, ex 0202 30 90, ex 0206 10 95, ex 0206 29 91. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
High quality fresh, chilled or frozen meat of bovine animals meeting the following definition: ‘Selected beef cuts derived from exclusively pasture grazed steers or heifers, the carcases of which have a dressed weight of not more than 370 kg. The carcases shall be classified as “A”, “L”, “P”, “T” or “F”, be trimmed to a fat depth of “P” or lower and have a muscling classification of 1 or 2 according to the carcase classification system administered by the New Zealand Meat Board.’
- Origin: New Zealand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4454
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The cuts shall be labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The indication ‘High Quality Beef’ may be added to the information on the label.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 20 90, ex 0201 30 00, ex 0202 20 90, ex 0202 30, ex 0206 10 95, ex 0206 29 91. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June. - In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
High quality fresh, chilled or frozen boneless meat of bovine animals meeting the following definition: ‘fillet (lomito), striploin and/or Cube roll (lomo), rump (rabadilla), topside (carnaza negra) obtained from selected crossbred animals with less than 50% of breeds of the zebú type and having been exclusively fed with pasture grass or hay. The slaughtered animals must be steers or heifers falling under category “V” of the VACUNO carcass-grading system producing carcasses not exceeding 260 kg.’
- Origin: Paraguay
- Tariff quota number: 09.4455
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. The cuts shall be labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The indication ‘High Quality Beef’ may be added to the information on the label.
- CN code(s): Ex 0201 30 00, ex 0202 30 90. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 30 June.
- In-quota customs duty: Ad valorem duty 20%
Certain live animals and certain meat (‘baby beef’)
- Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Tariff quota number: 09.4504
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. A further requirement is the Commission’s weekly Communication concerning the relevant import consignment, supplied to the Commission by the authorities in the exporting country and sent by the Commission to the competent authorities that issue import licences in the Member States. For the purposes of attributing these quotas, 100 kg live weight shall be equivalent to 50 kg carcass weight.
- CN code(s): Ex 0102 29 51, ex 0102 29 59, ex 0102 29 91, ex 0102 29 99, ex 0201 10 00, ex 0201 20 20, ex 0201 20 30, ex 0201 20 50. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 31 December.
- In-quota customs duty: 20% of the ad valorem duty and 20% of the specific duty as laid down in the Common Customs Tariff
Certain live animals and certain meat (‘baby beef’)
- Origin: Republic of North Macedonia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4505
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 12 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and when released for free circulation: Authenticity certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761. A further requirement is the Commission’s weekly Communication concerning the relevant import consignment, supplied to the Commission by the authorities in the exporting country and sent by the Commission to the competent authorities that issue import licences in the Member States.
For the purposes of attributing these quotas, 100 kg live weight shall be equivalent to 50 kg carcass weight. - CN code(s): Ex 0102 29 51, ex 0102 29 59, ex 0102 29 91, ex 0102 29 99, ex 0201 10 00, ex 0201 20 20, ex 0201 20 30, ex 0201 20 50. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
Period of validity of the licence: Import licences issued in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 are valid from the date of issue until 00.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the authenticity certificate appended to the licence application. Import licences shall not remain valid beyond the end of the tariff quota period on 31 December. - In-quota customs duty: 20% of the ad valorem duty and 20% of the specific duty as laid down in the Common Customs Tariff.
Milk and milk products
Import tariff quota period for the milk and milk product sector
The import tariff quota period for the milk and milk product sector is opened up for a period that runs either from 1 July to 30 June in the following year or, for products originating in Norway, Iceland, New Zealand and Ukraine, from 1 January to 31 December each year.
Milk and milk products (Ex 04 01 40: of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% but not exceeding 10% Ex 04 01 50: of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 10% 0403 10: yoghurt)
- Origin: Switzerland
- Tariff quota number: 09.4155
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. A CH.1 Movement certificate must be presented as proof of origin for release for free circulation in accordance with the Regulation
- CN code(s): Ex 0401 40, ex 0401 50, 0403 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 31 December, 1 January to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Cheese and curd
- Origin: Norway
- Tariff quota number: 09.4179
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate
- CN code(s): 0406. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- Origin: Norway
- Tariff quota number: 09.4228
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): 0404 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content ‘nitrogen content × 6.38’ of ≤ 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of ≤ 1.5%
- Origin: Norway
- Tariff quota number: 09.4229
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): 0404 10 02
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Butter – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: New Zealand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4182
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in the 12-month period before the month of November preceding the start of the tariff quota period and has traded at least 100 tonnes of products in the period. Each applicant may submit import licence applications for quantities of less than 20 tonnes and no more than 10% of the quantity available in the tariff quota sub-period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: IMA 1 certificate. If New Zealand butter does not meet the compositional requirements, the tariff preference shall not be granted for the whole quantity covered by the relevant customs declaration (see Articles 50–54 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761 for the specific requirements).
- CN code(s): Ex 0405 10 11, ex 0405 10 19, ex 0405 10 30. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 70 / 100 kg net weight
Butter – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: New Zealand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4195
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has imported products belonging to the milk product sector under quotas 09.4195 and 09.4182 in the 24-month period up to the month of November preceding the start of the tariff quota period. Each applicant may submit import licence applications for quantities of no more than 125% of the quantities that the applicant has released for free circulation under tariff quota order numbers 09.4195 and 09.4182 in the 24-month period up to the month of November preceding the start of the tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: IMA 1 certificate. If New Zealand butter does not meet the compositional requirements, the tariff preference shall not be granted for the whole quantity covered by the relevant customs declaration (see Articles 50–54 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761 for the specific requirements).
- CN code(s): Ex 0405 10 11, ex 0405 10 19, ex 0405 1030. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 70 / 100 kg net weight
Natural butter – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Iceland
- Tariff quota number: 09.4225
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): 0405 10 11, 0405 10 19. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Skyr – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Iceland
- Tariff quota number: 09.4226
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): Ex 0406 10 50
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Cheese, except ‘Skyr’ in the CN subheading 0406 10 50 – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Iceland
- Tariff quota number: 09.4227
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): Ex 0406 but not CN code ex 0406 10 50 ‘Skyr’. The licence shall be applied for and issued for the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Whole Cheddar cheeses – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: New Zealand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4514
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: IMA 1 certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761 (see Articles 49, 53 and 54 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761 for the specific requirements).
- CN code(s): Ex 0406 90 21
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the date of issue until 23.59 on the 30th calendar day after the expiry of the IMA1 certificate. The period of validity cannot extend beyond the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 17.06 / 100 kg net weight
Cheese for processing – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: New Zealand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4515
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: IMA 1 certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) 2020/761 (see Articles 49, 53 and 54 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761 for the specific requirements).
- CN code(s): 0406 90 01
- Application periods: No separate application periods
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the date of issue until 23.59 on the 30th calendar day counted from the expiry of the IMA1 certificate. The period of validity cannot extend beyond the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 17.06 / 100 kg net weight
Cheddar cheese
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4595
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0406 90 21
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the start of the tariff quota period and, during the tariff quota period, applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 31 December, 1 January to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 21 / 100 kg net weight
Milk and milk products – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4600
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): 0401, 0402 91, 0402 99, 0403 10 11, 0403 10 13, 0403 10 19, 0403 10 31, 0403 10 33, 0403 10 39, 0403 90 51, 0403 90 53, 0403 90 59, 0403 90 61, 0403 90 63, 0403 90 69. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Milk and milk products – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4601
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): 0402 10, 0402 21, 0402 29, 0403 90 11, 0403 90 13, 0403 90 19, 0403 90 31, 0403 90 33, 0403 90 39, 0404 90 21, 0404 90 23, 0404 90 29, 0404 90 81, 0404 90 83, 0404 90 89. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreads of a fat content, by weight, of more than 75% but less than 80% – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4602
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 35 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The applicant must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the milk and milk product sector with third countries as stated in Part XVI of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: EUR.1 movement certificate.
- CN code(s): 0405 10, 0405 20 90, 0405 90. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import and export licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. In the tariff quota period, import licence applications must be submitted in the first seven calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In the month of November, operators may lodge two applications per tariff quota: one application for licences valid as of December and one application for licences valid as of January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 30 June, 1 July to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: Licences issued for sub-periods in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall lapse on the last calendar day of the month following the end of the sub-period concerned or at the end of the tariff quota period, whichever is first.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Whole Cheddar cheeses – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Australia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4521
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: No proof of trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the import licence application must state the number of the IMA1 certificate and the date of issue. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and for release for free circulation: IMA1 certificate in accordance with the specimen in the annex to the Regulation. See Articles 52–54 and 72 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761 for the specific requirements.
- CN code(s): Ex 0406 90 21
- Application periods: No separate application periods. The import licence application must be made within the period of validity of the IMA1 certificate and no later than on the last day of the tariff quota period.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the date of issue until 23.59 on the 30th calendar day counted from the expiry of the IMA1 certificate. The period of validity cannot extend beyond the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 17.06 / 100 kg net weight
Cheese for processing – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Australia
- Tariff quota number: 09.4522
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg (net weight)
- Special conditions: No proof of trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the import licence application must state the number of the IMA1 certificate and the date of issue. Proof of origin appended to the licence application and for release for free circulation: IMA1 certificate in accordance with the specimen in the annex to the Regulation. See Articles 52–54 and 72 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761 for the specific requirements.
- CN code(s): 0406 90 01
- Application periods: No separate application periods. The import licence application must be made within the period of validity of the IMA1 certificate and no later than on the last day of the tariff quota period.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the date of issue until 23.59 on the 30th calendar day counted from the expiry of the IMA1 certificate. The period of validity cannot extend beyond the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 17.06 / 100 kg net weight
Import tariff quota period for pigmeat
The import tariff quotas for pigmeat are opened up for the period from 1 July to 30 June in the following year or for the period from 1 January to 31 December. The quota period is divided into several sub-periods.
Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen, boned loins and hams, including ‘boneless loins’, ‘tenderloin’ and ham and cuts of ham – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4038
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No proof of previous trade. Section 20 of the import licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): Ex 0203 19 55; ex 0203 29 55. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 250 / 1,000 kg
Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen, boned loins and hams, including ‘boneless loins’, ‘tenderloin’ – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: USA
- Tariff quota number: 09.4170
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the pigmeat sector with third countries as stated in Part XVII of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: A certificate of origin issued by the competent authorities in the USA in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): Ex 0203 19 55, ex 0203 29 55. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 250 / 1,000 kg
Meat of domestic swine, fresh, chilled or frozen – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4271
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the pigmeat sector with third countries as stated in Part XVII of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part.
- CN code(s): 0203 11 10, 0203 12 11, 0203 12 19, 0203 19 11, 0203 19 13, 0203 19 15, 0203 19 55, 0203 19 59, 0203 21 10, 0203 22 11, 0203 22 19, 0203 29 11, 0203 29 13, 0203 29 15, 0203 29 55, 0203 29 59. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Meat of domestic swine, fresh, chilled or frozen, excluding hams, loins and boneless cuts – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4272
Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761 - Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the pigmeat sector with third countries as stated in Part XVII of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part.
- CN code(s): 0203 11 10, 0203 12 19, 0203 19 11, 0203 19 15, 0203 19 59, 0203 21 10, 0203 22 19, 0203 29 11, 0203 29 15, 0203 29 59. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen, hams, shoulders and cuts – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Canada
- Tariff quota number: 09.4282
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 6.50 / 100 kg carcass weight equivalent (the conversion factors laid down in Annex XVI to Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761 shall be used to convert product weight to carcass weight equivalent for the products covered).
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the pigmeat sector with third countries as stated in Part XVII of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Article 66 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 0203 12 11, 0203 12 19, 0203 19 11, 0203 19 13, 0203 19 15, 0203 19 55, 0203 19 59, 0203 22 11, 0203 22 19, 0203 29 11, 0203 29 13, 0203 29 15, 0203 29 55, 0203 29 59, 0210 11 11, 0210 11 19, 0210 11 31, 0210 11 39. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Poultry meat
Quota period for poultry meat
The quota period for poultry meat (the quota year) may begin on 1 January and end on 31 December or begin on 1 July and end on 30 June the following year. The quota period for the poultry meat sector is usually divided into four sub-periods. In general, 25% of the entire quota quantity is allocated in each sub-period. The quantity that can be applied for may also be larger if any quantities remained unallocated in the preceding sub-periods; unallocated quantities are added to the quantity in the next sub-period. The quantity that can be applied for in each sub-period is shown for each quota on the Commission’s allocation coefficient page.
The sub-periods for quotas are:
1 January to 31 March
1 April to 30 June
1 July to 30 September
1 October to 31 December
Uncut chicken fresh, chilled or frozen
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4067
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0207 11 10; 0207 11 30; 0207 11 90; 0207 12 10; 0207 12 90. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 0207 11 10: EUR 131 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 11 30: EUR 149 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 11 90: EUR 162 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 12 10: EUR 149 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 12 90: EUR 162 / 1,000 kg
Cut chicken or offal fresh, chilled or frozen
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4068
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0207 13 10; 0207 13 20; 0207 13 30; 0207 13 40; 0207 13 50; 0207 13 60; 0207 13 70; 0207 14 20; 0207 14 30; 0207 14 40; 0207 14 60. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 0207 13 10: EUR 512 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 20: EUR 179 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 50: EUR 301 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 60: EUR 231 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 70: EUR 504 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 20: EUR 179 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 60: EUR 231 / 1,000 kg
Frozen boneless chicken cuts
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4069
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0207 14 10
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 795 / 1,000 kg
Other prepared or preserved products made from meat, blood or offal. Concerns turkey products under several subheadings – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4070
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0207 24 10; 0207 24 90; 0207 25 10; 0207 25 90; 0207 26 10; 0207 26 20; 0207 26 30; 0207 26 40; 0207 26 50; 0207 26 60; 0207 26 70; 0207 26 80; 0207 27 30; 0207 27 40; 0207 27 50; 0207 27 60; 0207 27 70. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 0207 24 10: EUR 170 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 24 90: EUR 186 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 25 10: EUR 170 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 25 90: EUR 186 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 10: EUR 425 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 20: EUR 205 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 50: EUR 339 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 60: EUR 127 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 70: EUR 230 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 80: EUR 415 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 50: EUR 339 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 60: EUR 127 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 70: EUR 230 / 1,000 kg
Turkey, boneless cuts, frozen and bone-in cuts, frozen – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Israel
- Tariff quota number: 09.4092
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg - Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation.
- CN code(s): 0207 27 10; 0207 27 30; 0207 27 40; 0207 27 50; 0207 27 60; 0207 27 70. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Chicken and turkey, fresh, chilled or frozen (deep-frozen) – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: USA
- Tariff quota number: 09.4169
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 0207 11 10; 0207 11 30; 0207 11 90; 0207 12 10; 0207 12 90; 0207 13 10; 0207 13 20; 0207 13 30; 0207 13 40; 0207 13 50; 0207 13 60; 0207 13 70; 0207 14 10; 0207 14 20; 0207 14 30; 0207 14 40; 0207 14 50; 0207 14 60; 0207 14 70; 0207 24 10; 0207 24 90; 0207 25 10; 0207 25 90; 0207 26 10; 0207 26 20; 0207 26 30; 0207 26 40; 0207 26 50; 0207 26 60; 0207 26 70; 0207 26 80; 0207 27 10; 0207 27 20; 0207 27 30; 0207 27 40; 0207 27 50; 0207 27 60; 0207 27 70; 0207 27 80. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 0207 11 10: EUR 131 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 11 30: EUR 149 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 11 90: EUR 162 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 12 10: EUR 149 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 12 90: EUR 162 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 10: EUR 512 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 20: EUR 179 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 50: EUR 301 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 60: EUR 231 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 13 70: EUR 504 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 10: EUR 795 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 20: EUR 179 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 50: 0%, CN code 0207 14 60: EUR 231 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 14 70: 0%, CN code 0207 24 10: EUR 170 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 24 90: EUR 186 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 25 10: EUR 170 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 25 90: EUR 186 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 10: EUR 425 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 20: EUR 205 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 50: EUR 339 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 60: EUR 127 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 70: EUR 230 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 26 80: EUR 415 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 10: 0%, CN code 0207 27 20: 0%, CN code 0207 27 30: EUR 134 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 40: EUR 93 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 50: EUR 339 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 60: EUR 127 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 70: EUR 230 / 1,000 kg CN code 0207 27 80: 0%
Poultry meat, salted or in brine – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4211
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4211, 09.4212 and 09.4213. With respect to quotas 09.4211, 09.4212 and 09.4213, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): Ex 0210 99 39
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 15.4%
Poultry meat, salted or in brine – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4212
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4211, 09.4212 and 09.4213. With respect to quotas 09.4211, 09.4212 and 09.4213, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): Ex 0210 99 39
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 15.4%
Poultry meat, salted or in brine – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Brazil, Thailand and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4213
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4211, 09.4212 and 09.4213. With respect to quotas 09.4211, 09.4212 and 09.4213, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): Ex 0210 99 39
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period until the end of the tariff quota period, if the application was submitted before the tariff quota period. From the first calendar day of the month after the application is submitted until the end of the tariff quota period, if the application is submitted during the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 15.4%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4214
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4214, 09.4215 and 09.4216. With respect to quotas 09.4214, 09.4215 and 09.4216, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 19
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 8%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4215
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4214, 09.4215 and 09.4216. With respect to quotas 09.4214, 09.4215 and 09.4216, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 19
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 8%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Brazil, Thailand and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4216
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4214, 09.4215 and 09.4216. With respect to quotas 09.4214, 09.4215 and 09.4216, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 19
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 8%
Preparations of turkey meat – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4217
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 31. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 8.5%
Preparations of turkey meat – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Brazil and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4218
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 20 of the import licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1602 31. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 8.5%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4251
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 11
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 630 / 1,000 kg
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4252
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 30
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4253
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 10 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 90
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4254
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 30
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4255
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 90
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4256
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 39 29
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4257
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 39 21
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 630 / 1,000 kg
Processed duck, geese, guinea fowl meat, containing 25% or more but less than 57% by weight of poultry meat or offal – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4258
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): Ex 1602 39 85
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Processed duck, geese, guinea fowl meat, containing less than 25% by weight of poultry meat or offal – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4259
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for the release for free circulation in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): Ex 1602 39 85
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Brazil, Thailand and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4260
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 30
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Thailand and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4263
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1602 39 29
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Processed duck, geese, guinea fowl meat, containing 25% or more but less than 57% by weight of poultry meat or offal – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Thailand and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4264
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): Ex 1602 39 85
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Processed duck, geese, guinea fowl meat, containing 25% or more but less than 57% by weight of poultry meat or offal – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Thailand and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4265
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): Ex 1602 39 85
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Meat and edible offal of poultry, fresh, chilled or frozen; other prepared or preserved meat of turkeys and of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4273
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part.
- CN code(s): 0207 11 30, 0207 11 90, 0207 12, 0207 13 10, 0207 13 20, 0207 13 30, 0207 13 50, 0207 13 60, 0207 13 99, 0207 14 10, 0207 14 20, 0207 14 30, 0207 14 50, 0207 14 60, 0207 14 99, 0207 24, 0207 25, 0207 26 10, 0207 26 20, 0207 26 30, 0207 26 50, 0207 26 60, 0207 26 70, 0207 26 80, 0207 26 99, 0207 27 10, 0207 27 20, 0207 27 30, 0207 27 50, 0207 27 60, 0207 27 70, 0207 27 80, 0207 27 99, 0207 41 30, 0207 41 80, 0207 42, 0207 44 10, 0207 44 21, 0207 44 31, 0207 44 41, 0207 44 51, 0207 44 61, 0207 44 71, 0207 44 81, 0207 44 99, 0207 45 10, 0207 45 21, 0207 45 31, 0207 45 41, 0207 45 51, 0207 45 61, 0207 45 81, 0207 45 99, 0207 51 10, 0207 51 90, 0207 52 90, 0207 54 10, 0207 54 21, 0207 54 31, 0207 54 41, 0207 54 51, 0207 54 61, 0207 54 71, 0207 54 81, 0207 54 99, 0207 55 10, 0207 55 21, 0207 55 31, 0207 55 41, 0207 55 51, 0207 55 61, 0207 55 81, 0207 55 99, 0207 60 05, 0207 60 10, ex 0207 60 21, 0207 60 31, 0207 60 41, 0207 60 51, 0207 60 61, 0207 60 81, 0207 60 99, ex 0210 99 39, 1602 31, 1602 32, 1602 39 21. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Meat and edible offal of poultry, not cut in pieces, frozen
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4274
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 75 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part.
- CN code(s): 0207 12. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Chicken – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4410
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4410, 09.4411 and 09.4412. With respect to quotas 09.4410, 09.4411 and 09.4412, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application: Supply contract specifying that the poultry supplies requested are available for delivery within the European Union during the quota period from the origin and for the quantity requested.
- CN code(s): 0207 14 10, 0207 14 50, 0207 14 70. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Chicken – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Thailand
- Tariff quota number: 09.4411
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4410, 09.4411 and 09.4412. With respect to quotas 09.4410, 09.4411 and 09.4412, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application: Supply contract specifying that the poultry supplies requested are available for delivery within the European Union during the quota period from the origin and for the quantity requested.
- CN code(s): 0207 14 10, 0207 14 50, 0207 14 70. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Chicken – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except Brazil, Thailand and the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4412
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity includes the quantities of products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the three consecutive tariff quota numbers: 09.4410, 09.4411 and 09.4412. With respect to quotas 09.4410, 09.4411 and 09.4412, the total quantity of the products for which licence applications are submitted in the tariff quota period must not exceed the applicant’s reference quantity for the three tariff quotas concerned. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0207 14 10, 0207 14 50, 0207 14 70. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Brazil
- Tariff quota number: 09.4420
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin appended to the licence application: Supply contract specifying that the poultry supplies requested are available for delivery within the European Union during the quota period from the origin and for the quantity requested.
- CN code(s): 0207 27 10, 0207 27 20, 0207 27 80. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4422
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: Mandatory LORI registration at least 2 months before applying for the licence. Reference quantity requirement. The reference quantity is the average annual quantity of products released for free circulation in the Union in the two preceding consecutive 12-month periods ending two months before the first application can be submitted for the tariff quota period. The operator’s reference quantity must not exceed 15% of the available quantity in the tariff quota concerned. The reference quantity covers products released for free circulation in the Union which fall within the same tariff quota order number and have the same origin. The total quantity of products covered by applications for a single tariff quota during a tariff quota period may not exceed the reference quantity of the applicant for that tariff quota. If the tariff quota period is divided into sub-periods, the reference quantity is divided among the sub-periods. The proportion of the total reference quantity shall correspond to the ratio of the tariff quota available for the sub-period concerned to the total quantity in the import tariff quota. The reference quantity shall be proven by providing a certified printout of the customs declaration that is prepared for the release for free circulation and that states whether the applicant is the declarant or importer. The customs declaration must also state the number of the corresponding invoice as referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447. The operator must also provide the Finnish Food Authority with an invoice to confirm the reference quantity. The invoice must state the name of the importer or declarant, the description relating to the eight-digit CN code for the goods, and the invoice number. The Commission may suspend the application of the reference quantity requirement if, at the latest at the end of the ninth month of the tariff quota period, the quantities applied for under the quota are lower than the quantity available for that tariff quota period. The Commission will announce this on its allocation coefficient page. If the reference quantity requirement is suspended, proof of trade will be required: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 0207 27 10, 0207 27 20, 0207 27 80. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries (other than China)
- Tariff quota number: 09.4266
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1602 39 29
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries (other than China)
- Tariff quota number: 09.4267
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1602 39 85
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN code to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Erga Omnes
- Tariff quota number: 09.4268
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below.
- CN code(s): 1602 32 19
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 8%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN code to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: China
- Tariff quota number: 09.4269
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. The prerequisite for release for free circulation is that a certificate of origin issued by the competent authorities in China is presented in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 39 29
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Preparations of poultry meat other than turkey – Run a TARIC search using the CN code to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: China
- Tariff quota number: 09.4283
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 50 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade. The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the poultry meat sector with third countries as stated in Part XX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 8 of the licence application must state the country of origin, and the box marked “Yes” must be ticked. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. The prerequisite for release for free circulation is that a certificate of origin issued by the competent authorities in China is presented in accordance with Articles 57–59 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447.
- CN code(s): 1602 39 85
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June
- Period of validity of the licence: In line with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, valid from the first calendar day of the tariff quota period. If the application was submitted before the tariff quota period, it is valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: 10.9%
Import tariff quota period for the egg and ovalbumin sectorThe import tariff quotas for the egg and ovalbumin sector are opened up for the period from 1 July to 30 June in the following year. The import tariff quota periods for products originating in Ukraine are opened up for the period from 1 January to 31 December. The quota periods are divided into sub-periods.
Poultry eggs in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked; birds’ eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh dried, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fit for human consumption; eggs albumins and milk albumins, fit for human consumption – Run a TARIC search using the CN code to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4275
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part. The weight of egg products is converted into the corresponding quantity of shell egg equivalent. The weight of milk albumins shall be converted into the shell egg equivalent according to the standard rates of yield of 7.00 for dried milk albumins (CN code 3502 20 91) and of 53.00 for other milk albumins (CN code 3502 20 99). With respect to licence applications, the total quantity is converted into shell egg equivalent.
- CN code(s): 0407 21 00, 0407 29 10, 0407 90 10, 0408 11 80, 0408 19 81, 0408 19 89, 0408 91 80, 0408 99 80, 3502 11 90, 3502 19 90, 3502 20 91, 3502 20 99. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Poultry eggs in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked – Run a TARIC search using the CN code to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: Ukraine
- Tariff quota number: 09.4276
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 8 of the import licence application must state the country of origin; the box marked “Yes” must be ticked in this section. Section 20 of the licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. Proof of origin for release for free circulation: In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part. The weight of egg products shall be converted into shell egg equivalent according to the standard rates of yield laid down in Part A of Annex XVI to Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 0407 21 00, 0407 29 10, 0407 90 10. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, operators may apply for the different CN codes per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Applications for import licences valid from 1 January must be submitted between 23 November and 30 November in the preceding year. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 January to 31 December (sub-periods 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: EUR 0
Egg products – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4401
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. Proof of previous trade: The operator must demonstrate that it has engaged in the trade of products in the egg sector with third countries as stated in Part XIX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2013/1308 in both 12-month + 12-month periods immediately preceding the submission of the application and has traded at least 25 tonnes of products in both periods. The two consecutive 12-month periods must have ended two months before the first application can be submitted for a tariff quota period. Section 20 of the import licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. With respect to licence applications, the quantity is converted into shell egg equivalent and expressed as kilograms. Conversion factors in accordance with the standard rates of yield laid down in Part A of Annex XVI to Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 0408 11 80, 0408 19 81, 0408 19 89, 0408 91 80, 0408 99 80. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 0408 11 80: EUR 711 / 1,000 kg (product weight), CN code 0408 19 81: EUR 310 / 1,000 kg (product weight), CN code 0408 19 89: EUR 331 / 1,000 kg (product weight), CN code 0408 91 80: EUR 687 / 1,000 kg (product weight), CN code 0408 99 80: EUR 176 / 1,000 kg (net weight)
Egg albumins – Run a TARIC search using the CN codes to check for a more detailed description
- Origin: All third countries except the United Kingdom
- Tariff quota number: 09.4402
- Regulations applying to the tariff quota: Commission Regulations (EU) 2020/760 and 2020/761
- Security: EUR 20 / 100 kg
- Special conditions: No reference quantity requirement. No proof of previous trade. Section 20 of the import licence application must state the order number of the quota and the in-quota customs duty stated below. With respect to licence applications, the quantity is converted into shell egg equivalent and expressed as kilograms. Conversion factors in accordance with the standard rates of yield laid down in Part A of Annex XVI to Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/761.
- CN code(s): 3502 11 90, 3502 19 90. The licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one CN code (8-digit code).
- Where a tariff quota covers different CN codes, origins or different duty rates, operators may apply for the different CN codes or countries of origin or different duty rates per month. Such applications shall be lodged at the same time. The Finnish Food Authority shall regard them as a single application.
- Application periods: Import licence applications must be submitted within the first seven calendar days of the month preceding the beginning of the tariff quota period. Applications during the tariff quota period must be submitted between the first and seventh calendar days of each month, with the exception of December, when applications cannot be submitted. In November, operators may submit applications for licences valid from December and January. Refer to the Commission’s allocation coefficient page concerning import quotas to check whether applications can be submitted or whether the Commission has suspended new applications. The suspension will be lifted when quantities become available during the same tariff quota period, once the unused quantities have been declared.
- Tariff quota period 1 July to 30 June (sub-periods 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December, 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June)
- Period of validity of the licence: In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2020/761, from the first calendar day of the month following submission of the application until the end of the month after the end of the sub-period. Licences issued during the final sub-period are valid until the end of the tariff quota period.
- In-quota customs duty: CN code 3502 11 90: EUR 617 / 1,000 kg (product weight), CN code 3502 19 90: EUR 83 / 1,000 kg (net weight)
Contact information
AGRIM import licences and AGREX export licences
Finnish Food Authority
Market Department
PO Box 100, 00027 RUOKAVIRASTO, Finland
Tel. +358 29 530 0400 (switchboard)
Email tuovi(at)
Finnish Food Authority
Financial Management Department
PO Box 100, 00027 RUOKAVIRASTO, Finland
Tel. +358 29 530 0400 (switchboard)
Email Oili Hassinen (firstname.lastname(at)
Customs authority responsible for authenticating licences
Finnish Customs electronic service centre (SPAKE)
PO Box 512, 00101 HELSINKI, Finland
Tel. +358 295 5207
Email spake.vienti(at) (for exports) or spake.tuonti(at) (for imports)
Quotas managed with a quota register (‘first
come first served’ quotas)
Finnish Customs, Foreign Trade and Taxation Department
Customs Clearance Unit, Tariff Systems
PO Box 386, 20101 TURKU, Finland
Tel. +358 40 332 4083, +358 40 332 4092
Email kiintioryhma(at)
Registration as a customer of the Market Department and forms:
EORI registration and forms on Finnish Customs’ website:
Experts in veterinary and plant health legislation:
The email address of the experts on veterinary regulations is rajatarkastus(at), and the email address of the experts on plant health legislation is kasvinterveys(at)
Data protection
Data protection plays a key role in the Finnish Food Authority’s activities. When the Finnish Food Authority discloses and processes data, it always takes into consideration the requirements of data protection and information security. The Finnish Food Authority does not disclose personal data to third parties without a separate permit. Applications for permits should be submitted to the Finnish Food Authority, which will carefully investigate matters related to the use and protection of the data by the transferee, as well as matters of information security.
What is your data used for?
The Finnish Food Authority may only disclose your data to third parties if there is a legal requirement for the disclosure. Your data will not be disclosed for marketing purposes or advice. However, you cannot prevent your data from being disclosed for purposes such as the discharge of official duties and scientific research.
Further information
For further information about data protection, see our website at