Guide for the movements of pet birds from EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland to Finland and for the movements of pet birds from Finland to EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland

Guide for the movements of pet birds from EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland to Finland and for the movements of pet birds from Finland to EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland

In this guide movements mean the transfer of animals between Finland and other EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland.

Pet birds are defined as all bird species that are kept as pets with the exception of poultry. Pet birds are also not intended for sale or supply to a third party. The following bird species are considered to be poultry: chicken, turkeys, guinea fowl, domestic ducks, wild ducks, geese, quail, pigeons, pheasants, partridges and ratites such as ostriches, emus, rhea and this guide does not apply to these bird species.

1. Movements of pet birds from EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland to Finland

The total amount of pet birds transported to Finland not in commercial purposes may not exceed five.

1.1 Health requirements for pet birds

  1. the birds have been kept in the country of dispatch for a minimum of 30 days before transport
  2. the birds are from an area and holding which is not subject to bans or restrictions concerning the transfer of the birds as to infectious bird diseases
  3. the birds are marked with individual identifiers either a closed leg-ring or a microchip
    • for more information about microchips, please contact your closest veterinary clinic
  4. the birds have not been vaccinated against Newcastle disease or avian influenza
  5. the birds are free of any symptoms of infectious diseases at the moment of dispatch
  6. if the birds are imported from outside the European Community, the import must be carried out in accordance with Commission Decision 2007/25/EC. Then the health certificate for import issued by the third country and/or a certificate for the quarantine required if the birds have been in quarantine since they were brought into the EU is required.

The health terms are set in paragraph 5 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s regulation 328/2021 (amendment 875/2021).

1.2 Written affirmation

The pet birds have to be accompanied by a written affirmation written by the person responsible for the animals stating that the aforementioned animal health requirements are fulfilled.

2. Movements of pet birds from Finland to EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland

With the movements of pet birds to EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland the requirements of the veterinary authorities of the country of destination have to be adhered to.

When exporting within the internal market a notification has to be made to the TRACES system if the country of destination requires this.

Other relevant legislation

Invasive Non-native Species 

The importing, breeding, selling and other possession and releasing to the wild of invasive non-native animal species is prohibited in the EU-area. EU member states have accepted a list of invasive non-native species. Additionally Finland has issued a decree on national invasive species (Valtioneuvoston asetus 1725/2015).

The invasive non-native species relevant to the EU-area and the nationally relevant invasive species can be found here. (In Finnish)

CITES permitting  

When importing rare or otherwise endangered species the convention of international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) has to be taken into consideration. The CITES-convention requires an export and import permit or an import notification of some species.

Parrot birds with the exception of cockatiels, undulates, rose-ringed parakeets (also known as the ring-necked parakeet) and rosy-faced lovebirds (also known as the peach-faced lovebirds) have to be accompanied by a EU certificate issued by the CITES administrational authority of the EU-country when importing internally (the species in Annex A) or another report on the origin of the birds (the species in Annex B). Customs authorities have the right to inspect the aforementioned certificate or report. When bringing in parrots from countries outside the EU, a CITES export permit and a CITES import permit that have been approved in advance are required. The permits are to be presented at customs. Additional information: Finnish Environment Institute tel. +358295 251 000, or the Institute’s website.

Importation of an animal of foreign origin 

According to the Game Administration Act (615/1993, amendment 1711/2015) it is prohibited to import or release to the wild bird or mammal species of foreign origin as well as game animal strains of foreign origin without the permit of the Finnish Wildlife Agency. The same principle also applies to bringing an animal from the Province of Åland to another part of Finland and releasing the animal into the wild there.

The permit can be applied from the Finnish Wildlife Agency. 

The permit must be refused if significant harm may be caused by the measure to the natural environment or fauna.

Page last updated 11/3/2023