The Food Market Ombudsman Olli Wikberg


The Food Market Ombudsman Olli Wikberg smiling in the picture.

Olli Wikberg began his five-year term as Finland’s Food Market Ombudsman on 1 September 2019.
Olli Wikberg is a Doctor of Law and a Deputy Judge from Helsinki. Wikberg studied law at the University of Helsinki and graduated as a Doctor of Law in 2010. His doctoral dissertation on European law dealt with measures for the prevention of cartel activity in the European Union. Wikberg previously graduated with a licentiate in law majoring in law and economics. He also completed a Bachelor of Law degree in the same major in 1999. He also has also previously completed studies in business.

Before he was appointed the Food Market Ombudsman, Wikberg served as a senior ministerial adviser at the Ministry of Justice in 2018-2019. While employed by the Ministry's Legislative Preparation Department, he was responsible for issues related in particular to administrative law. Before joining the Ministry of Justice, Wikberg served as a Market Court judge in 2011-2018. He also has numerous years of experience in competition law, especially as a teacher and researcher of the subject area at the University of Helsinki.

Wikberg has gained knowledge of the functioning of the food market and the food supply chain in his role as Vice President of the Committee on Food Supply Chain Trading Practices from the time it was established in 2014 until 2019.

In addition to the immersive and socially significant work, Wikberg relaxes with good food. Wikberg also likes to travel in his spare time.

’’Traveling is a way to expand your view when there is a chance to do it again. Fortunately, there is a short distance to our own cottage. There you can even do some gardening and forestry work. Yes, even city people can manage in the countryside if they want to.

Read more about the Food Market Ombudsman here.