Food Market Ombudsman

The Food Market Ombudsman influences the functioning of the food market in Finland, for example by issuing opinions, taking initiatives and supervising the food supply chain’s practices.

The Food Market Ombudsman is an independent and autonomous authority whose duties include advisory services and supervision. The Ombudsman belongs to the administrative branch under the auspice of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and situated at the Finnish Food Authority. The Government appoints the Ombudsman for a maximum term of five years at a time.

The Ombudsman issues recommendations, opinions and proposals related to the food supply chain and informs and advises food supply chain actors on good business practices.

The Food Market Ombudsman supervises compliance with the requirements and prohibitions laid down in the Act. The Ombudsman’s duties include the monitoring of contractual terms and practices in the food supply chain and the monitoring of procedures in line with good business practices.

In practice, the Ombudsman’s duties may include promoting reconciliation between parties in conflict situations or advising stakeholders on good practices. Provisions on the duties of the Ombudsman are laid down in the Food Market Act.