Cross compliance standards

Cross compliance standards are basic requirements specified in EU's common agricultural policy, compliance with which is a pre-condition for most payments to farmers. Control of cross compliance standards is carried out as part of the annual control of residues of plant protection products (PPP).

Non-compliances with respect to residues of PPPs are included in the control of cross compliance standards through so-called extension of scope. Where non-compliances with respect to PPP residues are found in a domestic food sample, the inspectors of ELY Centres (Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) implement control of the use of PPPs at farm level, if necessary. The purpose of this control is to verify that plant protection products are used appropriately at farms and foods of plant origin comply with requirements. For farms which have applied for agricultural subsidies control is further extended, where necessary, into control of the use of PPPs as part of cross compliance standards.

Only authorised plant protection products may be used

Only plant protection products authorised in Finland for their intended use are permitted for plants which are to be used as food or feed. Authorised plant protection products, and their intended applications, are listed in the register of plant protection products maintained by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency Tukes, and in the list of plant protection products. Residues resulting from the use of plant protection products will not exceed the maximum residue levels, when the plant protection products are used in an appropriate manner and withdrawal periods are complied with.

Page last updated 8/29/2019