The operator is responsible for the information to be indicated

The food business operator is responsible for the food information to be indicated

The food business operator responsible for the food information is the operator under whose name or business name the food is marketed or, if that operator is not established in the Union, the importer into the Union market. The food business operator, for example the manufacturer, is responsible for ensuring that the product is safe and complies with food regulations. The food business operator must have adequate and accurate information about the food it produces, processes and distributes. The food business operator responsible for food information must ensure the presence and accuracy of the food information. Food business operators which do not effect food information shall not supply foods which they know or presume, on the basis of the information in their possession as profession, to be non-compliant with the applicable food information law (Food Information Regulation EU No 1169/2011, Art. 8).

The municipal food control authority answers questions concerning the quality of individual foods, labelling, legal requirements, marketing and possible errors and complaints. The Finnish Food Authority asks the food business operator, if necessary, to contact the food control authority (in practice the health inspector/food inspector/veterinarian) in their home municipality, whose contact information is in the list of municipalities below

In matters of imports (import restrictions, charges, etc.), it is advisable to contact customs (customs advice) for Finland.

The Finnish Food Authority is tasked with directing and leading food control and the enforcement of food law in Finland. The Food Authority does not evaluate the legality of individual products and does not inspect or approve individual foods. The Food Authority provides guidance on the application and supervision of food law, primarily through websites and guidelines.

Page last updated 1/3/2022