Handling of unpackaged, easily perishable foodstuffs in a food establishment: when an employee is required to have a Hygiene Passport or provide a health status statement for salmonella infection

A worker who works on food premises and handles unpackaged perishable foodstuffs is required to have a Hygiene Passport (Food Act 297/2021, section 19 subsection 1) and provide a health status statement for salmonella infection (Communicable Diseases Act 1227/2016 and -regulation 146/2017).

Finnish Food Authority has compiled a  table (in Finnish) on what is considered to be safe handling of unpackaged perishable foodstuffs and what is not. It is presented using practical examples.

Handling of unpackaged, easily perishable foodstuffs in a food establishment Tabel (pdf, updated 17.6.2021) 


Page last updated 9/20/2022