Food contact material control in food establishment

The use of contact materials in food establishments is monitored according to Finnish Food Authority’s instruction 14.1 for an Oiva inspection

The inspection is aimed at packing materials and other materials, machines, devices, utensils and articles (for example dishes, transport containers, tools, disposables) that come into contact with food.

At the inspection site, the inspection is prioritised on the following, based on risks

  • materials coming into contact with fatty foods and/or
  • foods that are stored in high temperatures and/or
  • foods that are stored for a long period.

Extensive production volume / leading position on the market are also a basis for a risk-based inspection of materials.

The inspection results are published as a part of the food establishment’s Oiva report that can be found at the website. 

Oivahymy-fi website

Page last updated 11/3/2022