Useful online links about contact materials

On this page, you can find useful online links about contact materials

European Commission’s contact material website

Efsa’s (European Food Safety Authority of EU) contact material website

JRC, European Commission’s research laboratory

EDQM The Council of Europe 

European Parliament’s report on the on the implementation of the Food Contact Materials Regulation 1935/2004 (2016)

Recommendations on contact materials by Germany’s BfR

Regulations of FDA (USA)


Printing inks

 Paper and paperboard 




Rrisk assessment tool that can be used to assess human subjection through food to substances contained by yet unregulated materials, such as paper and paperboard, metals, colours, adhesives and waxes, considering types of food and packaging – and assessing the safety of a new material under production. The FACET tool is free to use and available at the Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC) website that also includes a clear overview of the subject.

Food Packaging Forum, Zurich

The foundation searches and distributes high-standard and up-to-date scientific information about all contact materials for food, and heath. It collects, sorts and categorises substance-specific information from all around the world and creates catalogues and files.

Norden publication on self-monitoring and traceability, checklist

Finnish trade associations

Page last updated 1/8/2025