In-house control by food sector operators
Operators responsible for foods for specific groups include the operators who manufacture the products, have them manufactured, import, pack and market the products.
Food sector operators are responsible for the conformity of their products. Operators are responsible for the identification and management of the requirements laid down in legislation for the food products concerned. The verification of conformity shall be part of the operator's in-house control activities.
The points that are critical with respect to food safety and food regulations shall be recorded in the in-house control plan of the operator.
When an operator detects or receives information that a product that the operator has manufactured, had manufactured, imported, packed or marketed does not meet the requirements laid down for safety, they shall take action to withdraw the product from the market and to inform consumers about the matter.
Oiva inspections
The control of foods for specific groups is part of the food control referred to in the Food Act. Control authorities are required to conduct official inspections for the control of compliance with the provisions on foods for specific groups in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
In most cases control is implemented through Oiva inspections carried out by municipal control authorities. The control results are published as Oiva reports. Oiva inspections related to the composition of and information provided on foods for particular nutritional uses are conducted using assessment form 12.2.
Where the control authorities find the food sector operator to be in violation of valid food regulations, the authorities take required actions to rectify the situation. If necessary, the authorities will use administrative coercive measures. Where the failures that are detective are so severe that they may cause a health hazard or the consumer is being seriously misled, the authorities will ensure that the product concerned is removed from the market.
The Customs
The Customs control on a random test basis foods for specific groups imported to Finland. If the Customs find the food product to be in violation of the valid food regulations, it is not allowed to be placed on the Finnish market until the defect has been rectified.