Indication of origin of wild berries

The country of origin of wild berries, such as bilberries (wild “blueberry”), lingonberries and cranberries, must always be indicated. As from 1 October 2013, the name and address of the packer or dispatcher must also be indicated on all packages containing berries.

When selling loose berries, the seller must indicate the origin of the berries on a sign in the form “Finland” or “Finnish.” The quality class of wild berries need not be disclosed on the sign.

Pursuant to general requirements applying to fresh fruit and vegetables, wild berries offered for sale must be in good condition (free of blemishes), of reasonably good and marketable quality:

  • intact (whole)
  • sound (no rotting or deterioration such as to make them unfit for consumption)
  • clean
  • practically free from pests
  • practically free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh
  • free of abnormal external moisture
  • free of any foreign smell and/or taste
  • sufficiently developed / display satisfactory ripeness, but must not be over-developed / overripe

Berries may not contain leaves or visible foreign matter.

Page last updated 11/30/2018