The Hygiene Passport consists of two parts:
Both original parts can be used as proof of hygiene proficiency.
The Hygiene Passport is personal. You do not give it to your employer. However, the employer can take a copy of the Hygiene Passport.
The Hygiene Passport cannot be obtained electronically.
Hygiene Passports according to the Food Authority's model have been issued since January 1, 2019. Before this, Hygiene Passport Examiners have issued Hygiene Passports according to the model of the Food Authority (February 1, 2002 – April 30, 2006) and Food Safety Authority Evira (May 1, 2006 – December 31, 2018). All models are equal.
A Hygiene Passport Examiner may charge a fee for organizing the Hygiene Passport test and issuing the Passport. Hygiene Passport Examiners are independent operators, and the Finnish Food Authority cannot influence individual Hygiene Passport Examiners’ pricing. Factors influencing the prices charged to candidates include for example the Examiner’s fee, any rental of premises, the costs of additional supervisors, possible cost of training material, and Finnish Food Authority’s charge of EUR 9 per each Hygiene Passport. This means that the price of the Hygiene Passport may vary between Examiners.
Finnish Food Authority charges the Hygiene Passport Examiner a fee set in the valid Decree on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State for every Hygiene Passport ordered. This fee is currently EUR 9 per Hygiene Passport. The factors affecting the cost of the Hygiene Passport include the material and printing costs, postage and maintenance costs of the Hygiene Passport system.
The Hygiene Passport is valid until further notice. This means that the Hygiene Passport will not expire unless some legislative amendment later changes this situation.
The Hygiene Passport is valid until further notice from the moment it was issued. The date of issue is the date on which the holder took the test.
For more information about ordering a new Hygiene Passport
Please note! After 1 January 2020, Hygiene Passports have no longer been issued on the basis of a relevant food sector qualification or education (Food Act 297/2021). Hygiene Passports issued on the basis of qualifications or education on or before 31 December 2019 remain valid if the holder still has their Hygiene Passport and their personal data have not changed. This means that new Hygiene Passports are no longer issued based on a qualification or education. To obtain a new Hygiene Passport, the candidate must pass the Hygiene Passport test.
Hygiene Passports obtained abroad are not valid in Finland. In addition, qualifications or education related to food hygiene completed abroad do not substitute for a Hygiene Passport. A Finnish Hygiene Passport cannot be obtained based on a hygiene passport or education completed abroad.
The possibility of a Finnish Hygiene Passport being accepted abroad depends on the state in question. Enquiries about this issue should be addressed directly to the authorities of this state.