Alternatives for consumption of liver-based foods

If the only liver-based food consumed by a child is liver casserole, the maximum consumption should not exceed 300 g (3/4 of a ready meal portion size) per two weeks.

Liver stew and liver steaks contain a clearly larger proportion of liver than liver sausage or liver casserole. For this reason quite small amounts of liver stew or liver steak will result in the safe intake of vitamin A being exceeded. Children under the age of 3 years should avoid the consumption of liver stew and liver steaks. If liver stew or liver steaks are served to a child between the ages of 3 and 6 years, the amounts must be small and consumption infrequent (at most 150 g of liver stew or 50 g of liver steak in two months). The consumption of liver casserole should be avoided in this case but at most 70 g of liver sausage and liver pate per week (ca. 4-5 slices per week) can be consumed additionally.


Page last updated 10/25/2018