Importing animals of foreign origin from EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland to Finland

Take into consideration the following aspects before importing an animal of foreign origin

The importing, breeding, selling and other possession and releasing to the wild of invasive non-native animal species is prohibited in the EU-area. EU member states have accepted a list of invasive non-native species. Additionally Finland has issued a decree on national invasive species (Valtioneuvoston asetus 1725/2015).

The invasive non-native species relevant to the EU-area and the nationally relevant invasive species can be found here. (In Finnish)

When importing rare or otherwise endangered species the convention of international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) has to be taken into consideration. The CITES-convention requires an export and import permit or an import notification of some species.

Additional information: Finnish Environment Institute tel. +358295 251 000, or the Institute’s website

According to the Game Administration Act (615/1993, amendment 1711/2015) it is prohibited to import or release to the wild bird or mammal species of foreign origin as well as game animal strains of foreign origin without the permit of the Finnish Wildlife Agency. The same principle also applies to bringing an animal from the Province of Åland to another part of Finland and releasing the animal into the wild there.

The permit can be applied from the Finnish Wildlife Agency.

The permit must be refused if significant harm may be caused by the measure to the natural environment or fauna.

The import of a fish or crayfish species or their stock or gametes that do not occur naturally in Finland is prohibited for the purpose of release into natural waters or for use in aquaculture without a permission issued by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment. (In Finnish)

Additionally, take into consideration the following aspects from the Animal Welfare Law

Page last updated 10/3/2024