Intra EU-trade operators shall report the import of certain foodstuffs of animal origin to the Finnish Food Authority and the local food control authorities (see forms and instructions). On this page can be found information about which foodstuffs shall be reported by the operator as well as the categorization of the foodstuffs in the report.
Main and subcategories of animal products
Main category 1 (Bovine meat)
1a Bovine meat and ground meat, fresh
1b Bovine meat and ground meat, quick-frozen
1c Bovine meat MSM*, fresh
1d Bovine meat MSM*, quick-frozen
1e Bovine meat, raw meat products
Main category 2 (Pork meat)
2a Pork meat and ground meat, fresh
2b Pork meat and ground meat, quick-frozen
2c Pork meat MSM*, fresh
2d Pork meat MSM*, quick-frozen
2e Pork meat, raw meat products
Main category 3 (poultry), specify also the subcategory
3a Meat and ground meat of poultry, fresh
3b Meat and ground meat of poultry, quick-frozen
3c Poultry meat MSM*, fresh
3d Poultry meat MSM*, quick-frozen
3e Poultry meat, raw meat products
Subcategories for main category 3
- 1 Chicken
- 2 Turkey
- 3 Guinea fowl
- 4 Duck
- 5 Goose
- 6 Other
Main category 4 (meat of other animals), specify also the subcategory
4a Meat and ground meat of other animals, fresh (includes MSM*)
4b Meat and ground meat of other animals, quick-frozen (includes MSM*)
4e Meat of other animals, raw meat product
Subcategories for main category 4
- 1 Sheep
- 2 Boar, ranched
- 3 Boar, wild
- 4 Other ungulates, ranched (e.g. goat, bison)
- 5 Other ungulates, wild (e.g. moose, dear, reindeer, roe deer)
- 6 Birds, wild
- 7 Horse
- 8 Insects
- 9 Reptiles
- 10 Bears and other predators
- 11 Other
Main categories 6, 10a and 13
6 Chicken eggs
10a Cheese made from non-heat-treated milk
13 Non-heat-treated milk (all animals)
*MSM: Mechanically separated meat
Definitions of the foodstuffs to be reported
Meat refers to the edible parts of animals, including blood and offal (EC 853/2004 annex I, point 1.). Other edible parts of animal carcass such as fat, skin and intestine are also considered meat. There are no spices or anything else added to the meat. Salt content can be under 1% (EC 853/2004, annex I, point 1.13 and the Guidance document of the regulation).
Meat preparations
Meat preparations refer to fresh meat, including minced meat, which has had foodstuffs, seasonings or additives added to it. If there is ≥1% salt the product is considered a meat preparation. For example, broiler meat with 1,2% added salt is considered a meat preparation. In meat preparations the internal muscle fiber structure of the meat and the characteristics of fresh meat are not eliminated.
Examples of meat preparations:
- steak tartare
- raw hamburger patties (seasoned)
- raw bacon
- raw/rare roast beef salad
- pelmeni
- Christmas hams and rolls (from pork or turkey).
Meat products differ from raw meat preparations so that meat products are processed (for example heated, smoked) in a way which substantially alters the initial products muscle fiber structure or the characteristics of fresh meat. Meat products shall not be included in the declaration report.