Non-commercial movement of pet rodents, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and ornamental aquatic animals (including fish)

Rodents, amphibians, reptiles (including tortoises/turtles), invertebrates and ornamental aquatic animals1) travelling as personal pets with their owner do not need a health certificate or veterinary border inspection. However, upon arrival to EU, the pet must be presented to the authority for inspection; in Finland, the inspection of pets is carried out by Customs. Only certain points of entry are permitted (more information below).

Please note that only certain species are allowed to be kept as pets. These species are defined in the EU legislation2).

1)The import requirements are different for the following species: bees and bumble bees (Apis mellifera and Bombus spp.); fish of the order Agnatha and of the classes Chondrichytes and Osteichtyes; crustaceans of the subheading Crustacea

2)(EU) 576/2013, Annex I

More information

Travelling with a pet (European Commission)

Permitted points of entry when travelling from outside the EU with a pet (European Commission)

Page last updated 5/11/2023