Mapping the spatio‐temporal distribution of risk factors affecting the spread of Avian Influenza in egg production and broiler farms in Finland

Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is the most significant threat to modern poultry production. As a result of infection, laying decreases and mortality may increase. An outbreak in a production holding would have an accumulative effect on the whole industry due to its pyramidal production structure.

Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza has never been detected in poultry in Finland. Instead, in Autumn 2016, it was found in wild birds. In Europe and the rest of the world, especially in Southeast Asia, the virus is found annually in both poultry and wild waterfowl. In recent years, avian influenza has caused significant epidemics in Europe in both wild birds and poultry.

Avian Influenza is spread from country to country especially by migratory birds. The main predisposing factors are the level of biosecurity and the location of the holding. By anticipating and controlling disease threats, the spread of Avian Influenza to domestic poultry will be prevented and Finland's position in the export market will be maintained.

The main goal is to map the risk factors for avian influenza in Finnish egg and broiler production and to find out its spatial and temporal occurrence in Finland. In particular, the aim is to evaluate

  • the period during which the spread of Avian Influenza to Finland is most topical,
  • which are the riskiest areas for Avian Influenza in Finland,
  • which risk factors may contribute to the spread of Avian Influenza in Finnish poultry and
  • whether the risk factors differ significantly between different production methods.



Project funding

Development Fund Agricultural and Forestry (MAKERA), Finnish Food Authority, Finnish Museum of Natural History

Research Group

  • Pirkko Tuominen (Finnish Food Authority)
  • Tuija Gadd (Finnish Food Authority)
  • Teemu Lehtiniemi (BirdLife Finland)
  • Heidi Rossow (Finnish Food Authority)
  • Leena Seppä-Lassila (Finnish Food Authority)
  • Niina Tammiranta (Finnish Food Authority)
  • Juha Tuomola (Finnish Food Authority)
  • Jari Valkama (Finnish Museum of Natural History)

Project publications

Rossow H, Seppä-Lassila L, Tuomola J, Lehtiniemi T, Valkama J, Tammiranta N, Gadd T, Tuominen P (2023)  Avian influenza in poultry in Finland – a risk profile. Finnish Food Authority Research reports 5/2023. 

Tuomola J, Seppä-Lassila L, Rossow H, Tuominen P (2023) AI-RISKI: A tool for examining the spatio-temporal risk of transmission of Avian Influenza to poultry in Finland. Zenodo.  Available at:

Further information

Page last updated 1/10/2025