Current projects
- A retail prevalence study to investigate microbiological contamination levels in ready-to-eat (RTE) plant-based dairy and meat substitutes
- Burial of animal by-products (fish and horse by-products)
- Catalysing scientific innovation into food safety action (CATALYSE)
- DeliSoil – Delivering Soil improvers through improved recycling and processing solutions for food industry residues streams
- Food safety aspects of plant-based milk alternatives
- FOODSAFETY4EU - Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Food Safety in Europe
Previous projects
- Biological risks of raw milk produced in Finland
- CampEc-NET - WP4
- Campylobacter in the food chain and in the environment
- Communication inside Risk Assessment and Risk Management (COMRISK)
- Contamination sources of EHEC bacteria
- Control and prevention of antimicrobial resistance in the pork production chain (LÄKÄ)
- Cysticercosis in cattle – simplification of meat inspection
- Detection and elimination of viruses from process environment
- Economic effects of salmonella control of broilers in Finland
- Enhanced Communication in Risk Analysis (ENCOMRAN)
- Enhancing food safety and productivity in fish production
- Evaluation of the efficacy of the Finnish hygiene proficiency system
- Exposure to microbiological and chemical hazards via food (BIKE) -project
- Food hygiene risks in meat and fish processing establishments
- Formation of food safety in supply-consumption chain - Risks in fish chain
- Health risks of food-borne bacterial infections and tracing the Finnish cases
- Impact of pests on persistence and spearing of zoonotic bacteria on production farms (PESTANIMAL)
- Integrated Food safeety and Traceability (IFSAT)
- Risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis of salmonella in feed and animal production
- Risk assessment and traceability in food industry safety (TURVA-project)
- Risk assessment of food safety risks in organic pork production - Yersinia and Listeria monocytogenes
- Risk profile of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in Finnish foodstuffs
- Salmonella in beef production chain - a quantitative risk assessment
- Scientific network within sustainable fishing - dokumentation, labelling and traceability (TraceFood)
- Stability and presence of viruses in food production chain and industrial food processing (VirSta)
- The Significance of the national salmonella control programme for pigs