Exposure to microbiological and chemical hazards via food


Adverse health effects caused by food and water borne microbes and chemicals are prevented by setting threshold values, which are based on research on their exposure. Such management decisions need e.g. information on chemical and microbial intake. The target of the BIKE project is to provide information on exposure to cadmium, listeria and the most important intestinal viruses. For the purpose, a quantitative Bayesian intake model with open code will be developed.


  • Develop a statistical model suitable for assessing intake from different food groups and diverse hazards.
  • Conduct exposure assessment of the Finnish consumers on cadmium, listeria and viruses via food.
  • Evaluate, which food groups contain above-mentioned hazards the most, and which food groups cause the greatest exposure.
  • Provide information on consumption of foods with greatest viral risk.
  • Improve viral diagnostics for foods.


The project yields evidence for decision making concerning cadmium, listeria and viruses. It also results a modifiable model for quantitative risk assessments.


exposure, food, microbiological hazards, chemical hazards, cadmium, listeria, viruses, intake

Responsible project leader:

Tuominen, Pirkko, Head of Unit, DVM (PhD), Finnish Food Authority, Risk Assessment Unit

Person at Finnish Food Authority responsible for the project:

Tuominen, Pirkko, Head of Unit, DVM (PhD), Risk Assessment Unit

In cooperation with:

The project is conducted in cooperation with the University of Helsinki, Food and Environmental Virology Unit

Project status:

In progress

Year of commencement:


Year of completion:


Project financed by:

Development Fund Agricultural and Forestry (MAKERA);
Finnish Food Authority;
University of Helsinki

Page last updated 3/13/2020