Presence and stability of viruses in the food production chain and in food industry processes (VIRSTA)


  • Investigate the presence and stability of HEV in the Finnish pork production chain and its presence in wild boar and game animals. The project also aims to make virus analytics more accessible for the food industry.
  • Determine, as applicable, the elimination of the virus (HEV and ASFV) infectivity a) in the most common heating treatments and b) in non-heating treatments (smoking) in edible foods, in particular pork products
  • Assess the costs and impacts of the various processes on food safety, and establish the efficacy of risk management measures for the risk posed by food viruses (HEV, ASFV).
  • Provide specific information for different target groups.


Ffod processing and product development, risk management, risk assessment, foresight, hygiene and safety in the food chain, pig keeping

Responsible project leader:

Leena Maunula, PhD, University of Helsinki, Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health

Persons at Finnish Food Authority responsible for the project:

Tuija Gadd, Head of Unit, DVM (PhD)Virology Unit;
Pirkko Tuominen, Head of Unit, DVM (PhD), Risk Assessment Unit

In cooperation with:

University of Helsinki, Finland;
Finnish Food Authority;
food industry operators

Project status:

In progress

Year of commencement:


Year of completion:


Project financed by:

Finnish Food Authority;
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;
food industry operators


Page last updated 7/9/2019