The purpose of the project is to study the spread of C. parvum infections in cattle and humans and how to prevent it.
The aim of the project is the prevention and risk management of cryptosporidiosis infections in cattle and humans in connection with cattle production. In order to achieve this, we intend to
- Study the occurrence of cryptosporidiosis infections at cattle farms, the factors affecting increases in infections and how to protect against transmission of infections on farms.
- Study the factors affecting increases in cryptosporidiosis infections in humans.
- Study the epidemiology of C. parvum infections on cattle farms and among humans, using sub-typing and whole genome sequencing.
- Study possible spread of cryptosporidium from run-off waters to waterways draw up a guideline on the occupational health risks involved with cryptosporidiosis and how to prevent illnesses (occupational health guide).
- Disseminate information on the sources and prevention of cryptosporidiosis infections to health care and health protection professionals, to employee groups in agriculture and to the general public.
- Distribute the results within the cattle industry in order to control the risk of infection in cattle production.
Cryptosporidium parvum, cryptosporidiosis, zoonosis
Responsible project leader:
Autio Tiina, Chief Specialist, Finnish Food Authority, Veterinary Bacteriology and Pathology Unit
In cooperation with:
National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL);
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL);
University of Helsinki;
Valio Oy;
Animal Health ETT;
European Union Reference Laboratory for Parasites, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (EU-RL)
Project status:
In progress
Year of commencement:
Year of completion:
Project financed by:
Development Fund Agricultural and Forestry MAKERA;
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 435/03.01.02/2018;
Valio Oy;