Occurrence and prevention of the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris


The goal is to clarify the issues related to the occurrence of and the prevention of the transfer of the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris.


Significant new information has been found on the parasite's epidemiology and molecular biology in the Baltic Sea catchment area. Essential matters have come out that in practice affect disinfection of fishing equipment and the diagnostics of Gyrodactylus in fish farms.
The project consists of several parts that have been carried out by the unit as part of the normal work duties and as projects funded by Development Fund Agriculture and Forestry MAKERA. The part carried out as normal work duties includes the continual monitoring of the salmon parasites in the wild fish populations in the salmon rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean and the waterways of the Baltic Sea areas (especially salmon in the Tornionjoki river). We also aim at monitoring the situation of the fish farms in northern Finland with the help of samples in the EU official fish virus monitoring. Two projects have been carried out with partial funding by Development Fund Agriculture and Forestry MAKERA (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry):
1. “the pathogenic ability of the Gyrodactylus salaris salmon parasite strains, and their spread in Finland ” (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry financing decision number 3385/503/2002, Evira’s project number 8212). The project was realised in 2003 - 2004
final report: Pasi Anttila, Jussi Kuusela, Jaakko Lumme and Perttu Koski (2005): Pathogenic ability of dangerous salmon parasite strains and their spread in Finland. Final report of the project. EELA (now Evira), Oulu regional unit and University of Oulu, Department of Biology, Oulu, 14 p.
2. “Control of the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris: rainbow trout as a risk factor and disinfection of fishing equipment” (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry financing decision number 4735/503/2004, Evira’s project number 8212) - the project was realised in 2005-2006
- final report: Pasi Anttila, Jussi Kuusela and Perttu Koski (2007): Control of the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris: rainbow trout as a risk factor and disinfection of fishing equipment. Final report of the project. Evira, Oulu Research Unit, Oulu, 14 p.


Gyrodactylus salaris, salmon parasite, disinfection, epidemiology, diagnostics

Responsible project leader:

Koski, Perttu, Senior Researcher, Evira, Fish and Wildlife Health Research Unit

Person at Evira responsible for the project:

Koski, Pertti, Senior Researcher, Fish and Wildlife Health Research Unit

Research group:

Koski, Pertti, Senior Researcher, Evira, Fish and Wildlife Health Research Unit;
Anttila, Pasi, Researcher, Evira, Fish and Wildlife Health Research Unit

In cooperation with:

University of Oulu;
RKTL Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute;
Stockholm University;
Veterinærinstituttet (Norway)

Project status:


Year of commencement:


Year of completion:



Koski, P. (2013): Teno- ja näätämöjokien sujelu Gyrodactyus salaris -loiselta. Eviran julkaisuja 1/2013.
Anttila, P., Romakkaniemi, A. Kuusela, J. & Koski, P. (2008): Epidemiology of Gyrodactylus salaris (Monogenea) in the River Tornionjoki, a Baltic wild salmon river. Journal of Fish Diseases 31, 373-382.
Kuusela, J., Holopainen, R., Meinilä, M., Anttila, P., Koski, P., Ziętara, M.S., Veselov, A., Primmer, C.R. & Lumme, J. (2008): Clonal structure of salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris on a coevolutionary gradient on Fennoscandian salmon ( Salmo salar) -- Ann. Zool. Fennici , painossa.
Jussi Kuusela, Marek S. Zietara and Jaakko Lumme 2008): Description of three new European cryptic specfies of Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832 supported by nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenetic characterization. Acta Parasitologica 53 (2), 120-126.
Anttila, P., Kuusela, J. & Koski, P. (2007): Clustering of infection, temporal fluctuation and mixed infections affect the detection of Gyrodactylus salaris at rainbow trout farms. Poster, Annual Conference of the Society for the Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Espoo, March 28-30. http://www.svepm.org.uk/posters/2007/Koski.pdf
Anttila, P., Kuusela, J. & Koski, P. (2007): Disinfection of Gyrodactylus salaris by heat and Virkon S. 13th International Conference of the European Association of the Fish Pathologists, Grado, Italy, September 17-22, P-197.
Koski, P. (2007): Monitoring of Gyrodactylus salaris in Finland in 2006-2007. Report of the Second Meeting of the Working Group on Gyrodactylus salaris in the North-East Atlantic Commission Area, Oslo, Norway, 10-12 October, 2007, 42-43.
Kuusela, J., Zietara, M.S. and Lumme J.(2007): Hybrid origin of Baltic salmon-specific parasite Gyrodactylus salaris: a model for speciation by host switch for hemiclonal organisms. Molecular Ecology 16, 5234-5245, 2007.
Ziętara, M.S., Kuusela, J. and Lumme, J. (2006): Escape from an evolutionary dead end: a triploid clone of Gyrodactylus salaris is able to revert to sex and switch host ( Platyhelminthes, Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae). - Hereditas 143: 84-90.
Koski, P. (2006): Monitoring of Gyrodactylus salaris in Finland in 2004-2005. Report of the Meeting of the Working Group on Gyrodactylus salaris in the North-East Atlantic Commission Area, Oslo, Norway, 21-23 March, 2006, 17-18
Anttila, P. (2005): Gyrodactylus-tutkimus antaa vastauksia ja uusia kysymyksiä. - Kaari 2/2005: 28-29.
Anttila, P., Lumme, J. ja Kuusela, J. (2005): DNA-menetelmällä valaistusta Gyrodactylus salaris -loisen arvoitukseen. - Suomen Kalastuslehti 5/2005: 15-17.
Kuusela, J. (2005): Gyrodactylus-tutkimus EELAssa: Osa I, DNA-menetelmät pääosassa. - Eelalainen 1/2005: 13.
Kuusela, J. (2005): Gyrodactylus-tutkimus EELAssa: Osa II, maastossa nähtyä. - Eelalainen Commission (NASCO) Workshop “ Gyrodactylus salaris in the Commission Area”, Oslo, Norway4/2005: 11.
Koski, P. (2004): Monitoring of Gyrodactylus salaris in Finland. Report of the North-East Atlantic,
Kuusela, J., Anttila, P. ja Lumme, J. (2003): Uudet keinot käytössä Gyrodactylus salaris -tutkimuksessa. - Kaari 4/2003: s. 28.11-12 February, 2004, 17-18.
Salomonsen, S.-H., Stridsman, S., Koski, P., Heinimaa, P., Sæter, L., Norheim, K., Romakkaniemi, A., Alfjorden, A. (2002): The salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris on the North Calotte: Suggestions for further surveillance, information, management and legislation. The North Calotte Council, Report 57 2002, Brørs, S. (ed.). 24-27.
Anttila, P. (2001): Lohiloinen elää myös Tornionjoella. - Erä 7/2001: 7-8.
Anttila, P. (2001): Estä Gyrodactylus salaris -lohiloisen leviäminen. - Kalamies 5/2001: 5.
Anttila, P., Koski, P. & Haikonen, A. (2001): Gyrodactylus salaris common in the wild Baltic salmon in western Lapland near Norwegian salmon rivers. 10 th International Conference of the EAFP, Dublin, September 9-14, P-264.
Koski P. & Heinimaa P. (2001): The hazard of creating a reservoir of Gyrodactylus salaris in wild fish in a water catchment area containing an infected fish farm. Proceedings of an international conference ”Risk analysis in aquatic animal health”, Paris, France, 8.-10.2.2000, 90-98.
Koski P. (1996): Gyrodactylus salaris at fish farms. Julkaisussa: EU workshop on Gyrodactylus salaris. National Veterinary Institute, Oulu Regional Laboratory, Oulu, 79-85.
Koski P. (1996): Important parasites and diseases of freshwater and anadromous fish in northern Finland. In: Report from Seminar on Fish Diseases and Organization of the Fish Health Service in the Finnish, Norwegian and Russian Parts of the Barents Region. Finmark College, Svanhold Environmental Centre, Norway, 87-98
Koski, P. & Malmberg, G. (1995): Occurence of Gyrodactylus (Monogenea) on salmon and rainbow trout in fish farms in Northern Finland. Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology 5, 76-88 ja 146.
Keränen, A.-L., Koski, P., Kulonen, K., Ek-Kommonen, C. & Neuvonen, E. (1992): Occurrence of infectious fish diseases in fish farms in northern Finland. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 33, 161-167.

Project is financed by:

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Development Fund Agriculture and Forestry (financing decision numbers 3385/503/2002, Evira 4735/503/2004)

Evira’s project code:


Page last updated 7/10/2019