Plant health risks associated with side streams from potato processing


The main objectives of the project are to support the competitiveness of the Finnish food chain and the management of biological risks by enhancing the safe use of the recycled nutriens in agriculture and thereby reduce the amount of the generated loss and waste.

The purpose is to increase awareness and understanding of  plant health risks associated with side streams from potato processing and prevent the spread of plant pests in the potato production.

The project’s results enable the evaluation and guidance of the use of various side streams originating from the potato processing as recycled nutrients, as well as the evaluation and development of legislation within this sector.

The project will include a literature review, mostly focusing on assessing if the processing requirements regarding the side streams from potato processing, necessitated by the current fertiliser legislation , are efficient enough to prevent the spread of plant pests in potato production.

Based on this survey, the project will furthermore assess the impact of various starch potato industry processes on the survival of plant pests in potato cell sap, validate methods for testing potato wart from potato and soil samples and assess the applicability of side streams from potato processing as research matrix.


plant protection, plant health and plant diseases, circular economy, risk management, risk assessment

Responsible project leader:

Liisa Maunuksela, PhD, Research Professor, Finnish Food Authority

Persons at the Finnish Food Authority responsible for the project:

Liisa Maunuksela, PhD, Research Professor;
Mikko Lehtonen, Special Researcher, Plant Analytics Unit
Juha Tuomola, Researcher, Risk Assessment Unit

In cooperation with:

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke);
Potato Research Institute (PETLA);
businesses within the sector

Project status:

In progress

Year of commencement:


Year of completion:


Project is financed by:

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MMM)
Finnish Food Authority
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Potato Research Institute (PETLA)
Finnamyl Oy
Evijärven peruna Oy
Jepuan Peruna
Pohjolan Peruna


Lehtonen M (2019) Perunasyövän tutkimusta vahvistamassa. Tuottava peruna 46(4): 4-5. Ruokaviraston tiedote julkaisusta: Perunasyövän aiheuttamat ongelmat lisääntyvät Euroopassa, 4.12.2019. (in Finnish)

Lehtonen M, Tuomola J, Maunuksela L (2020) Perunanteollisuuden sivuvirtojen kasvinterveysriskit. Suomen maataloustieteellisen seuran tiedote no 37. Maataloustieteiden päivät 2020. Esitelmä- posteri tiivistelmät ISBN 978-951-9041-77-3 (online). Tiivistelmä (pdf), posteri (pdf) (in Finnish)

Lehtonen M, Tuomola J, Latvala S, Hannukkala A, Hokka M,  Alainen T, Tegel J, Virtanen A, Maunuksela L (2021) Literary research on how fertiliser use of the side streams of potato industry affect plant health. Finnish Food Authority Research Reports 3/2021. ISBN 978-952-358-031-2 (pdf) (in Finnish with English abstract).

Final report and recommendations for action:

Lehtonen M, Tuomola J, Latvala S, Hannukkala A, Hokka M,  Alainen T, Tegel J, Virtanen A, Maunuksela L (2022) Loppuraportti - Perunateollisuuden sivuvirtojen kasvinterveysriskit (pdf).

Lehtonen M, Tuomola J, Latvala S, Hannukkala A, Hokka M,  Alainen T, Tegel J, Virtanen A, Maunuksela L (2022) Toimintasuositukset - Kasviperäisten lannoitevalmisteiden käsittely (pdf).

Page last updated 5/31/2023