Webinar on NoBa Land Cover Retriever application

25. lokakuuta 2024

The Risk Assessment Unit of the Finnish Food Authority is organising a webinar on NoBa Land Cover Retriever application on 12 December 2024, 14:00-15:50 (EET, UTC+2).

NoBa Land Cover Retriever (NoBa LCR, https://noba-lcr.2.rahtiapp.fi/) is a web application for retrieving Corine Land Cover data that is needed in the statistical assessment and planning of official quarantine pest surveys. NoBa LCR is tailored for retrieving the data needed for analysing and planning risk-based surveys in which a) the relative risk of each administrative region depends on the area or number of entry sites in the region, or b) the target population is divided into risk areas that are close to entry sites and baseline areas that are further away from entry sites. The countries currently included in the app are Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden. 

The webinar does not require registration. You are welcome to join the webinar via the following link: Join the Webinar

Download the webinar to your calendar here.
NoBa LCR was developed in the Risk Assessment Unit of the Finnish Food Authority as part of the project 'Assessing the confidence in pest freedom gained in the past pine wood nematode surveys' co-funded by EFSA’s Partnering grant (GP/EFSA/ENCO/2020/03). The project was a co-operation between the Finnish Food Authority, the Estonian Agriculture and Food Board (EAFB), the State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania (SPSMoA), the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). 

This webinar is part of the project ‘Finnish tailor-made activities – Trainings on Tools and Methods for Risk Assessment’ funded by EFSA under the framework partnership agreement (GP/EFSA/ENREL/2022/03). 

NoBa LCR reflects only the author’s view, and EFSA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

More information: juha.tuomola@ruokavirasto.fi