Airas, N., Hautaniemi, M., Hewetson, M., Syrjä, P., Knuuttila, A., Putkuri, N., Coulter, L., McInnes, C., Vapalahti, O., Huovilainen, A., Kinnunen, P.-M.
Equine parapoxvirus infection in Western Finland.
Virology Days, 27.3.2015 Kuopio.
Abstract book, p. 36.
Brockmann, A., Pohjanvirta, T., Autio, T., Riva, R., Kuronen, H., Syrjälä, P., Rikula, U., Laamanen, I., Pelkonen, S.
Respiratory pathogens detected in nasopharyngeal swab samples of Finnish calves.
European buiatrics forum 2015, 14. - 16.10.2015 Rome, Italy.
Proceedings, p.137.
Eriksson-Kallio, A.M., Pelkola, K., Koski, P., Kiuru, T.
Monitoring water parameters, fish health and welfare in production scale RAS - a follow up study.
3rd NordicRAS workshop on Recirculationg Aquaculture Systems, 30.9. - 1.10 2015 Molde, Norway.
Abstract book, p. 43.
Eriksson-Kallio, A.M., Pelkola, K., Kiuru, T.
Production scale RAS-farming: a follow-up study on water parameters, fish health and welfare.
17th international conference on diseases of fish and shellfish, 7. - 11.9. 2015, Las Palmas, Spain.
Abstract book, p. 142.
Gonzalez, M., Hakkinen, M., Mikkelä, A., Ranta, J., Tuominen, P.
Bayesian model risk assessment of Campylobacter contaminated poultry in Finland.
6th Congress of European Microbiologist, 7.6.2015, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Poster and abstract.
Abstract book.
Haimi-Hakala, M., Nokireki, T., Laine, T., Laurila, T., Oliviero, C., Peltoniemi, O., Heinonen, M.
Swine influenza and bacterial respiratory disease outbreaks in Finnish fattening pigs.
The European Symposium of Porcine Health Management 22. - 24.4.2015 Nantes, France.
Hirvelä-Koski, V., Heikkinen, P., Isomursu, M., Kauhanen, K., Nylund, M., Skrzypczak, T.
Brucellosis in grey seal in Baltic Sea.
6th Congress of European Microbiologists 7. - 11.6.2015, Maastricht, Holland.
Holopainen, R., Eriksson-Kallio, A.-M., Gadd, T.
Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus – a rising threat to fish farming in Finland?
Virology Days 2015, 26. - 27.3.2015, Kuopio.
Abstract book, pp. 16 - 17.
Holopainen, R., Eriksson-Kallio, A.M., Gadd, T.
Molecular Characterisation of Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Viruses Isolated in Finland during 2000 - 2014.
Xth International Congress of Veterinary Virology (ESVV) & 9th Epizone, 31.8. - 3.9.2015 Montpellier, France.
Abstract, poster.
Proceedings, p. 270.
Huitu, H., Pukkala, T., Möykkynen, T., Hannunen, S.
Areal assessment of pine wood nematode invasion risk based on import statistics, forest inventory data and a grid-based spread model.
International Pest Risk Research Group, 9th Annual Meeting, 25. - 28.8.2015, Fort Collins, USA.
Abstract and poster.
Abstracts, p. 23.
Huovilainen, A., Kyheröinen, E.-M., Lilley, T.
Coronaviruses are common in Finnish bats.
Virology Days, 27.3.2015 Kuopio.
Abstract book, p. 32.
Isomursu, M., Nylund, M.
Pathology of the wolf – human conflict in Finland.
10th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, 21. - 25.9.2015 Sevilla, Spain.
Jaakkonen, A., Hallanvuo, S., Hakkinen, M.
Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli on Dairy Farms and in Raw Milk.
The 9th International Symposium on Shiga Toxin (Verocytotoxin)-Producing Escherichia coli Infections (VTEC 2015), 13. - 16.9.2015, Boston, United Sates of America.
Abstract, poster.
Poster abstracts group E.
Jaakkonen, A., Hallanvuo, S., Hakkinen, M.
Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli on Dairy Farms and in Raw Milk.
Eläinlääkäripäivät 2. - 4.12.2015, Helsinki.
Poster, abstract.
Luentokokoelma, s. 292.
Jokelainen, P., Mõtsküla, P., Heikkinen, P., Ülevaino, E., Oksanen, A., Lassen, B.
Dirofilaria repens in three dogs in Estonia .
6th Conference of the Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitology, 23. - 24.4.2015, Uppsala, Sweden.
Abstract, poster.
Jonsson M., Welling A., Jestoi M., koivisto P., Peltonen K.
Changes in the gene expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase and a-ketoglutarate in rat primary hepatocytes in response to moniliformin exposure.
RAFA 2015, 3. - 6.11.2015 Praha, Czech Republic.
Book of Abstracts Recent Advances in Food Analysis, p. 343.
Koivisto, P., Jonsson, M., Jestoi, M., Peltonen, K.
Enniatin B mycotoxin is excreted as such to rat urine.
Eurotox 2015, 13 – 16.9.2015 Porto, Portugal.
Toxicology Letters, p. 60.
Koivisto P., Kosonen A.-L. , Laakso J.
Oxidative damage marker 8-OHdG in urine of vegetarians and omnivores.
Eurotox 2015, 13. - 16.9. 2015 Porto, Portugal.
Toxicology Letters s238, p. s68.
Kyyrö, J., Sahlström, L., Lyytikäinen, T.
NORA - a rapid risk assessment tool for qualitative release risk assessment.
ISVEE,2. - 7.11.2015 Merida, Mexico.
Abstract, poster.
Proceedings, p. P217.
Kyyrö, J., Sahlström, L., Lyytikäinen, T.
NORA-a rapid tool for qualitative risk assessment.
Eläinlääkäripäivät 2. - 4.12.2015 Helsinki.
Abstract, poster.
Luentokokoelma, s. 326.
Laaksonen, S., Oksanen, A.
Filarioid nematodes, emerging parasites in the Arctic.
2nd Conference on Neglected Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases (EurNegVec): with MC and WG Meeting of the COST Action TD1303, 31.3. - 2.4.015, Izmir, Turkey.
Abstract book, p. 24.
Laaksonen, S., Oksanen, A.
Filarioid nematodes, emerging parasites in the Arctic.
6th Conference of the Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitology, 23. - 24.4.2015, Uppsala, Sweden.
Abstract, poster.
Lindholm, L., Nykäsenoja, S., Rantala, M., Vuopio, J., Jalava, J.
Whole genome sequencing and CGE servers in public health microbiology, analyses of mecC gene positive, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated in Finland 2003 - 2014.
25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 25. - 28.4.2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
London, L.
Rokottaminen ja sen onnistuminen.
Eläinlääkäripäivät 2015, 2. - 4. 12.2015 Helsinki.
Luentokokoelma, s. 174 - 177.
Lyytikäinen, T., Kyyrö, J., Sahlström, L.
African swine fever has low spread potential in the Finnish domestic pig population.
ISVEE 14, 14th International symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, 2. - 7.11.2015 Merida, Mexico.
Poster and abstract .
Lyytikäinen, T., Kyyrö, J., Sahlström, L.
Spread potential of bluetongue in Finland and feasible alternatives for eradication.
ISVEE 14, 14th International symposium on veterinary epidemiology and economics, 2. - 7.11.2015 Merida, Mexico.
Abstract and poster.
Nathanail, A., Gibson, B., Han, L., Peltonen, K., Jestoi, M., Laitila, A.
Biotransformation of trichothecene mycotoxins during fermentation with lager yeast.
35th International Congress of the European Brewery Convention, 24. - 28.5.2015 Porto, Portugal.
Niemi, J., Lyytikäinen, T., Sahlström, L., Virtanen, T., Lehtonen, H., Rintakoski, S., Kyyrö, J., Sinisalo, A.
Afrikkalaisen sikaruton taudinpurkauksen simuloidut taloudelliset vaikutukset Suomessa.
Eläinlääkäripäivät 2015, 2.- 4.12. 2015 Helsinki.
Abstrakti, posteri.
Eläinlääkäripäivät - luentokokoelma 2015, s. 328.
Nokireki, T., Huovilainen, A., Sironen, T., Lilley, T., Kyheröinen, E.‐M., Vapalahti, O., Sihvonen, L., Jakava‐Viljanen, M.
Detection of European bat lyssavirus‐2 in Finland and characterisation of the virus.
Sigrid Juselius symbosium, 7. - 10.6.2015 Helsinki.
Nokireki, T., Huovilainen, A., Sironen, T., Vapalahti, O., Jakava‐Viljanen, M., Sihvonen, L.
Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of two Finnish EBLV‐2 isolates.
The Xth International Congress for Veterinary Virology, ESVV 2015 & 9th Annual Meeting of EPIZONE, 31.8. - 3.9.2015. Montpellier, France.
Oksanen, A., Björnstad, K., Näreaho, A., Lundén, A., Bondesson, U.
Faster and cheaper species identification of Trichinella muscle larvae.
14th International Conference on Trichinellosis, 14. – 18.9.2015, Berlin, Germany.
Abstracts, p. 51.
Oksanen, A.
One Health.
Research on the change in the North - Thule Science Days 2015, 27. - 28.10.2015 Oulu.
Research on the change in the North - Thule Science Days 2015 Programme and Extended Abstracts, pp. 10 - 11.
Oksanen, A., Heikkinen, P., Näreaho, A., Isomursu, M., Laaksonen, S., Lavikainen, A.
Some parasite fauna dissimilarities of Finnish and western Russian wildlife.
international training methods and scientific-practical conferences, Dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Department Parasitology and Veterinary and sanitary examination, 11. - 13.11 2015, Moscow, Russia.
Extended abstract.
Abstract book, p. 15 - 19.
Pastell, H.
Dietary fibre analysis seen from public food control - Excamples with the method AOAC 2011.25.
FOSS Feed, Food and Lab Conference - Re-think fibre, 1.10.2015 Hillerod, Denmark.
Speaker bios and abstracts, p. 3.
Pöntinen, A., Markkula, A., Lindström, M., Korkeala, H.
Two-component-cystem cistidine kinases involved in growth of Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e at low temperatures.
8th international conference on gram-positive micro-organisms, 21. - 25.6.2015, Tuscany, Italy.
Raatikainen M., Kronlöf, E., Salovaara H., Koivisto P.
Acrylamide in rye bread - a risk in Finnish diet?
Eurotox 2015, 13 - 16.9.2015 Porto, Portugal.
Toxicology Letters 238s, p. s68
Rainakari, A., Putkonen, T., Pastell, H.
N ew dietary fibre content results for cereal samples: a comparison between Nordic countries.
6th International Dietary Fibre Conference 2015, Paris, France.
Abstract, poster.
Book of abstracts, p. 224.
Ritvanen, T., Kosonen, T., Bäckman, C., Putkonen, T.
Sampling and composition analysis of Finnish fish.
12th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2015, 20.-23.10.2015 Berlin, Germany.
Rönnqvist, M., Ranta, J., Suominen, K., Tuominen, P.
Risk assessment of salmonella in feed and animal production.
EFSA@EXPO: Shaping the future of food safety, together, 14. - 16.10.2015 Milano, Italy.
Proceedings, p. 112.
Schulman, K., Lyytikäinen, T.
Genetic susceptibility for classical scrapie should be considered when designing surveillance programs.
Eläinlääkäripäivät 2015, 2. - 4.12.2015 Helsinki.
Abstract, poster.
Eläinlääkäripäivät luentokokoelma 2015, s. 330 - 331.
Sironen, A., Dillard, K., Lehti, M., Tanhuanpää, K., Anttila, M.
Polycystic kidneys and congenital hepatic fibrosis in related Norwich terrier puppies.
The 8th International Conference on Advances in Canine and Feline Genimics and Inherited Disease, 22. - 26.6.2015, Cambridge, UK.
Abstract, poster.
Conference Proceedings and Abstract Booklet, p. 126.
Suomi, J., Tuominen, P., Savela, K.
Cumulative risk assessment on the dietary exposure of Finnish children to heavy metals.
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology, 10. - 12.8.2015, London, UK.
Journal of Food Processing and Technology 2015: Vol. 6, No. 8, p. 48.
Suomi, J.
Ruoan raskasmetallien vaikutus lasten terveyteen.
Valtakunnalliset ravitsemuspäivät, 6.10.2015 Helsinki.
Abstract book, s. 24.
Suomi, J., Tuominen, P., Savela, K.
Heavy metal intake among Finnish preschool children.
EFSA Expo, 14.-16.10.2015 Milano, Italy.
Tammiranta, N., Huovilainen, A.
Outbreak of infectious bursal disease (IBD) in Finland in 2014.
Global Alliance for Research on Avian Diseases 29.6. - 1.7.2015, London,UK.
Abstract and poster.
Abstract book, p. 46.
Tuominen, P., Pasonen, P., Siekkinen, K.-M.
Searching measures to protect the elderly against listeriosis.
2nd EFSA Scientific Conference - Shaping the Future of Food Safety Together, 14. - 16.10.2015, Milano, Italy.
Tuominen, P., Pasonen, P., Siekkinen, K.-M.
Searching measures to protect the elderly against listeriosis.
EFSA Journal 2015: Vol. 13, No. 10, p. 115.
Tuominen, P., Pasonen, P., Siekkinen, K.-M.
Kalastustuotteiden ikääntyneille aiheuttama listerioosiriski.
Eläinlääkäripäivät 2. - 4.12.2015 Helsinki.
Suomen eläinlääkäriliiton luentokokoelma, posteriabstraktit s. 301.
Tuomola, J., Huitu, H., Heikkilä, J., Hannunen, S.
An areal pest risk assessment based on spatial and temporal distribution of places of production.
9th meeting of the International Pest Risk Research Group, 25.8. - 29.8.2015 Fort Collins, USA.
9th meeting of the International Pest Risk Research Group, p. 10.
Varga, E., Nathanail, A., Reiterer, J., Bueschl, C., Michlmayr, H., Malachová, A., Fruhmann, P., Jestoi, M., Peltonen, K., Adam, G., Lemmens, M., Schuhmacher,R., Berthiller, F.
Metabolic fate of the Fusarium mycotoxins T-2 and HT-2 in wheat.
7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 3. - 6.11.2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
Book of abstracts, p. 119.
Vennerström, P.
Nordic Poultry Conference 2015 Oslo. E. coli -infections in broilers.
Nordic Poultry Conference 2015, 4.11.2015 Oslo, Norway.
Venäläinen, E.-R., Saraste, K.-L., Hellsten, C.
Merrcury levels in Finnsih farmed fish.
ISTERH2015, 18. – 22.10.2015 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Abstract book, p. 1.
Viljamaa-Dirks, S., Tiirola, M., Heinikainen, S., Kuronen, H.
Iodobacter pisciphilum sp. nov. is associated with skin damage of wild and cultured fish.
EAFP 17th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, 7. - 11.9.2015 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Poster and abstract.
Abstract book, p. 378.