Tälle sivulle on koottu Ruokaviraston tiedossa olevaa Kiinan lainsäädäntöä. Lista ei ole kattava, vaan viennin onnistumiseksi toimijan on hankittava myös muuta tietoa. Ruokavirasto ei vastaa säädösten ajantasaisuudesta.
Kinesisk lagstiftning känd av Livsmedelsverket har sammanställts på denna sida. Listan är inte heltäckande. För att exporten ska lyckas måste operatören även skaffa annan information. Livsmedelsverket svarar inte för att författningarna är uppdaterade.
Yleistä elintarvikkeita koskevaa lainsäädäntöä / Allmän livsmedelslagstiftning:
- Food Safety Law of the People´s Republic of China 2015
- Regulations for the Implementation of Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (2019)
- Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Registration and Administration of Overseas Manufacturers of Imported Food (Decree 248): 海关总署第248号令(关于公布《中华人民共和国进口食品境外生产企业注册管理规定》的令)
- Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Import and Export Food Safety (Decree 249): 海关总署第249号令(关于公布《中华人民共和国进出口食品安全管理办法》的令)
- List of Veterinary Medicine and Other Chemical Compound Banned to Use on Animal for Food Commodity (Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China No.193 2002)
- Maximum Residue Limits for Veterinary Drugs in Animal Foods (Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture No 235 2002)
- Administrative Measures for Food Safety Sampling Inspection (2019)
- Regulations on Administration of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms Safety
- Measures for the Administration on the Inspection and Quarantine of the Genetically Modified Organism Entering and Exiting the Territory
Standardeja, jotka koskevat kaikkia elintarvikkeita / Standarder som gäller alla livsmedel:
- GB 14881-2013 National Food Safety Standard General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production
- GB 2760-2014 Standard for the Use of Food Additives
- GB 2761-2017 Maximum Levels of Mycotoxins in Foods
- GB 2762-2017 Maximum Levels of Contaminants in Foods
- GB 2762-2017 Maximum Levels of Contaminants in Foods Amendment No.1
- GB 2763-2019 National Food Safety Standard Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food
- GB 7718-2011 General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB 5749-2006 Standards for Drinking Water Quality
- GB 29921-2013 National Food Safety Standard Limit of Pathogen in Foods (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB 9685-2016 Hygienic Standard for Use of Additives in Food Containers and Packaging Materials
- GB 28050-2011 Nutrition Label Standards of Pre-packaged Food (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB 14880-2012 Food Safety National Standards for the Usage of Nutrition Enrichment
- GB 13432-2013 National Food Safety Standard Labeling of Prepackaged Foods for Special Dietary Uses
- GB 29924-2013 General rule of designation of food additives
Prosessistandardeja / Processtandarder:
- GB/T 27341-2009 (HACCP) System - General requirements for Food Processing Plant
- GB 31605-2020 National Food Safety Standard Hygienic Specifications of Food Cold-chain Logistics
- GB 12694-2016 Code of Hygienic Practice for Livestock and Poultry Slaughtering and Processing
- GB 20941-2016 Code of Hygienic Practice for Aquatic Products
- GB 12693-2010 Good manufacturing practice for milk products
- GB/T 19838-2005 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and Guidelines for Its Application to Fish Fishery Products
- GB 12693-2010 Good manufacturing practice for milk products
- GB 23790-2010 Good manufacturing practice for powdered formulae for infants and young children (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB 17405-1998 Good Manufacture Practice for Health Food
- GB 8950-2016 Hygienic Specifications of Cannery
- GB 8955 Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and Its Product
Muita standardeja ja ohjeita / Andra standarder och riktlinjer:
- GB 14882 Limited Concentrations of Radioactive Materials in Foods
- T/CNFIA001-2017 General Guide to Food Shelf Life
- GB/T 27320 Food Defense Plan and Guidelines for Its Application - Food Processing Establishments
Esimerkkejä tuotestandardeista / Exempel på produktstandarder:
- GB 2707 -2016 Fresh (frozen) livestock, poultry products (Kiina saattaa olla valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB/T 9959.2-2008 Hygienic standard for Fresh and frozen pork lean, cuts
- GB 18394-2020 Permitted Level of Moisture in Meat of Livestock and Poultry
- GB 2733 -2015 Fresh and frozen marine products of animal origin
- GB 10136-2015 Hygienic Standard for Salt Liquor-Saturated Aquatic Products of Animal Origin
- GB 10133-2014 Food Safety National Standard for Aquatic Product Condiments
- GB/T 29568-2013 Traceability Requirements for Agricultural Products—Fish & Fishery products
- GB 19301 -2010 Raw milk (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB 19302 -2010 Fermented milk (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa)
- GB 19644 -2010 Milk powder (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB19645 -2010 Pasteurized milk
- GB19646 -2010 Cream, butter and anhydrous milkfat (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB 25190 -2010 Sterilized milk
- GB 25191 -2010 Modified milk (Kiina on valmistelemassa uutta versiota, mutta sen voimaantulosta ei ole vielä tietoa. / Kina förbereder en ny version, men det finns ännu ingen information om dess ikraftträdande.)
- GB 5420-2021 National Food Safety Standard Cheese
- GB 25192 -2010 Processed cheese
- GB 11674 -2010 Whey powder and whey protein powder
- GB 10765 -2010 Infant Formula
- GB 10765-2021 Infant Formula, korvaa GB 10765-2010 (tulossa voimaan helmikuussa 2023 / träder i kraft i februari 2023)
- GB 10767 -2010 Older Infants and Young Children Formula
- GB 10766 -2021 Older Infants Formula (tulossa voimaan helmikuussa 2023 / träder i kraft i februari 2023)
- GB 10770-2010 Canned complementary foods for infants and young children
- GB/T 31114-2014 Frozen Drinks-Ice Cream
- GB 2715 Grains
- GB 2716 Vegetable Oil
- GB 19641 Edible Vegetable Oil Seeds
- GB 15196 Edible Oil Products
- GB 19295 Quick-frozen Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice
- GB 22570-2014 Complementary Food Supplements
- GB 24154-2015 General Standard for Sports Nutrition Food
- GB 31601-2015 Multi-Nutrient Supplementary Food for Pregnant and Lactating Women
- GB 22570-2014 Complementary Food Supplements
- GB 12695-2016 Specifications for Production Sanitation of Drinks
- GB 16325 Hygienic Standard for Dried Fruits Food
- GB 16740-2014 National Food Safety Standard - Health Food
Kiina-EU-lainsäädäntövertailut / Jämförelser mellan Kina och EU:s lagstiftning
- A comparison of PRC legislation and food standards related to hygiene and food safety in the production of pork, beef and poultry meat and offal versus pertinent EU legislation
- A comparison of hygiene legislation and Food Safety Standards applicable to casings in the People’s Republic of China and in the European Union
- A comparison of hygiene legislation and Food Safety Standards applicable to dairy products in the People’s Republic of China and in the European Union
Kiinan tarkistuslistoja / Kinesiska checklistor
Kiinan Tullin julkaisemat tarkistuslistat tiettyjen Kiinaan vietävien tuotteiden valmistukselle asetetuista vaatimuksista säädösviittauksineen. Ruokavirasto ei vastaa listojen ajantasaisuudesta tai oikeellisuudesta.
Checklistor publicerade av den kinesiska tullen om de krav som ställs för tillverkning av vissa produkter som exporteras till Kina med regulatoriska referenser. Livsmedelsverket ansvarar inte för att listorna är uppdaterade eller korrekta.
- EN check-list 2-4 Grain Milling Industrial Products and Malt
- EN check-list 4-3-2 Infant Formula Milk Products
- EN check-list 4-3-3 Dairy products (excluding pasteurized milk and IMF)
- EN check-list 4-3-4 Health Food
- EN check-list 4-3-5 Food for Special Dietary Use
- EN check-list 4-4-1 Aquatic Products
- EN check-list 5-1-1 Meat
- EN check-list 5-1-2 Meat products
- EN check-list 5-2-1 Edible Oils and Oil Seeds